Summary: Indentify and correct the two false assumptions many Christians hold

This past week, we dropped off Esther at my parents for a few days to train her to stay overnight. We had forgotten to bring diapers for Esther, so Susan and I went to Walgreen to buy diapers. I walked in and asked someone, "Where do you have diapers?"

The lady looked at Susan and I, and then said, "Aisle 24." When we got to aisle 24, we found shelves full of adult diapers. Susan and I looked at each other and began to laugh. Soon our laughter turned into upset, because we realized we had been insulted.

The lady at Walgreen assumed that since we didn’t have a child with us, we were asking for adult diapers, not baby diapers. What we assume to be true, we act on. But when what we assume to be true turns out to be false, we end up with wrong conclusions. And wrong conclusions can lead to wrong actions in life.

A pastor told about how he had to rushed his baby daughter to the emergency room to have her stomach pumped. She was born without the ability to smell. One day, she was crawling around on the floor, and she came upon a bowl of turpentine, paint thinner. It looked like milk, and she couldn’t smell. So she drank a bit and got very sick.

False assumptions can lead to wrong conclusions, and wrong conclusions can lead to wrong actions. In some cases, we can laugh at the outcome of our false assumptions. In other cases, false assumptions can be deadly.

Most of us are living with some false assumptions. Our parents, our teachers, our culture, the media, all have input into our lives. And some of those inputs are false assumptions.

For instance, many young people have the false assumption that a good marriage is built on a diamond ring, good feelings and compatibility. Such false assumptions lead to the wrong conclusion, that nothing else is needed to build a good marriage. And the result is inaction after marriage, which often leads to disappointment, disillusionment and even divorce.

On the other hand, those who are married and experience a rewarding marriage know that hard work, forgiveness and self-sacrifice must be part of the equation for a good marriage. False assumptions lead to wrong conclusions, which lead to wrong actions.

This morning, we continue with our study in the book of Job, and we will look at two false assumptions that can produce significant harm in our own lives and in the lives of people who would listen to our false assumptions. We are in chapter 8 of Job. Before I read for us, let me review a bit for those who have not been with us and for those who have been with us but can’t remember we’ve ever looked into the book of Job.

The book of Job is an epic poem that deals with the problem of suffering. And the problem of suffering is complicated by incomplete knowledge of the cause of suffering. Neither Job nor his friends, who were supposed to be comforting him, know that Job’s suffering was the result of a contest between God and Satan.

Satan says to God, "The only reason Job is worshipping you is because you’ve blessed his life with wisdom, wealth, health and family. Take away the blessings and watch Job curse You."

And God replied, "Go ahead, take away the blessings, and you’ll see that Job will not curse Me."

By chapter 3, Job’s children had all died. Poverty replaced Job’s wealth. A terrible disease robbed Job of his health. Self-pity replaced Job’s wisdom. Death became a welcomed friend to Job.

In chapters 4 and 5, Job’s friend, Eliphaz, speaks out. But instead of comforting Job, Eliphaz condemns Job for not applying his own teaching to endure suffering, and Eliphaz closes with platitudes.

Job responds with angry words in chapters 6 and 7. He points out that Eliphaz simply hasn’t understood the magnitude of suffering he is under. Job, feeling like God has abandoned him, is begging for compassion and devotion from his friends.

And in chapter 8, the second of three friends responds to Job’s words. Bildad the Brutal or Bildad the Babbler speaks out. (READ Job 8)

With a comforter like Bildad, you don’t need an enemy. Bildad failed to feel Job’s pain. As a result, Bildad assumed Job needed correction rather than comfort.

Bildad made other false assumptions also. He assumed he knew what was happening to Job. He assumed that people always get what they deserve. He assumed there was no exception. He assumed Job’s situation would improve if Job trusted in God. But we know from chapters 1 and 2 that Job did trust God, and things got worse.

False assumptions add insult to injury. People who are suffering need to know what the Bible says about God and about suffering. The sooner we identify false assumptions and correct them, the sooner we can live healthier lives. Let’s identify and correct the false assumptions of Bildad.

The first false assumption is that God carries out His judgment promptly. We see this false assumption in verses 1-10 and 20-22.

Bildad basically says to Job, "Your children died because they sinned against God. And Job, if you know what is good for you, you would get on his knees before God and beg for mercy for yourself." Bildad supports his claim by telling Job that the ancients teach this also.

Bildad assumed that God promptly rewards the good person and promptly punishes the bad person. Even people who don’t believe in God hold a similar false assumption, that those who do good will receive good in return, and that those who do wrong will receive bad in return.

Unfortunately, life doesn’t match up with this false assumption. And those who hold to this false assumption become quite confused and disillusioned. Some even turn away from God or say, "There is no God."

We have all seen the good person go unrewarded and the bad person go unpunished. If that were not true, practically everyone would be good and no one would be bad.

The person who cheats in your class may get an "A" or an "F." And the honest hard working student in your class may get gets an "A" or an "F." The person who takes other people’s credit at work may get promotion or a reprimand. And one who faithfully works in the company may get a promotion or no recognition at all.

The truth is, God doesn’t carry out his judgment promptly, because God is love and God is patient. Yet, just because God doesn’t balance his books at the end of each day doesn’t mean that God doesn’t balance his books eventually.

Romans 2:4 tells us, "Or do you show contempt for the riches of [God’s] kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?" Paul is saying, don’t confuse God’s love with permission to ignore Him.

2 Peter 3:9-10 tells us, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare." Peter is saying, don’t confuse God’s patience with no judgment at all.

Supreme Court Justice Horace Gray once said to the man who escaped conviction on a technicality: "I know that you are guilty and you know it, and I wish you to remember that one day you will stand before a better and wiser Judge, and that there you will be dealt with according to justice and not according to law."

Meanwhile, we must not assume that every illness, financial problem or relational problem is God’s judgment. These problems are often the result of neglecting good health, financial and relational principles. The Bible tells us that God is so patient and kind that we could mistake Him for being slow to carry out judgment.

The second false assumption is that those who trust God are free from suffering. We see this false assumption in verses 11-19.

Bildad is saying, "Job, your sons died because they were living life without God. And you’re suffering because you are not trusting in God. If you were spiritual, you would have the strength to overcome your loss and your pain."

Many Christians believe this false assumption. As a result, when illness, suffering and loss occur in our lives, we wonder if we’ve done something to cause God to abandon us. Some even go as far as doubting that they are Christians.

Charles Swindoll lists what he calls the "four spiritual flaws":

Flaw #1: Because you are a Christian, all your problems are solved. (Please do tell non-Christian this.)

Flaw # 2: All the problems you will ever have are addressed in the Bible. (When your computer crashes, please don’t go to the Bible. Go to your computer manual or call technical support.)

Flaw #3: If you are having problems, you are unspiritual. (Remember Job was spiritual, and that was why he had all those problems.)

Flaw #4: Being exposed to sound Bible teaching automatically solves problems. (Hearing Bible teaching is not the same as obeying what the Bible teaches.)

Yet, we want to believe this false assumption, because we want one answer for all of life’s problems. Having a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ does not replace living wisely, managing well our resources and relating wisely with others. We still need to live responsibly, and we still contend with our sinful nature, other people’s sins and the schemes of Satan.

Jesus tells us in John 16:33, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." In other words, God allows us to have troubles in life, so that we can learn to trust in Him.

Peter tells us in 1 Peter 4:12-13, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed."

In other words, for every non-Christian who suffers from cancer, a Christian suffers from cancer, so that the world can see the difference. For every non-Christian who is laid off from work, a Christian is laid off from work, so that the world can see the difference. For every non-Christian who has a bad day, a Christian has a bad day, so the world can see the difference Jesus Christ makes in our lives.

Bildad was wrong in assuming that Job’s suffering is evidence of his life without God. We are wrong to assume that illnesses, suffering and temptations in people’s lives are evidences of God’s absence. And God’s presence in our lives does not guarantee our freedom from suffering or problems.

Someone tells about a carpet-layer after he finished installing a new carpet. He reached into his shirt pocket for a cigarette, but the pack was wasn’t in his pocket. Just then he noticed a lump under the carpet in the middle of the room, about the size of the missing cigarette pack.

There was no way to get the cigarette pack out from under the attached carpet without ripping everything up and starting over. So he took his hammer and beat the object flat to destroy any evidence of his mistake.

He then gathered his tools and walked out to his truck. There on the seat of his truck was his pack of cigarette. As he lit up a cigarette, the homeowner hurried out of the house and asked, "Hey, have you seen my son’s hamster?"

False assumptions lead to wrong conclusions. Wrong conclusions lead to wrong actions. And sometimes to correct false assumptions, we have to rip everything up and start over with God’s revealed truth. The alternative would be to act on false assumptions all of your life.