Summary: The church needs to be able to count on us.

Impact Series #2

Iliff and Saltillo UM Churches

“Commitment to the Church”

Ephesians 2:13-22

Acts 4:32-35

INTRODUCTION: Have you ever felt like an “outsider” in some groups that you were in? Sometimes you feel that no matter what you do, you are not “in on the conversation--don’t know the background information where you can understand the jokes or the remarks? Sometimes you feel when you walk into a room that people stop talking or look at you? You feel a coolness but can’t get close to people? People smile, but you feel it is a “plastic smile?” How many can identify with this? It makes you feel uncomfortable doesn’t it?

Other groups you have felt like an “insider” from the beginning. Maybe you don’t try any harder to fit in, but you “just do.” You just feel that you “BELONG.” I think we can all relate to both types of groups. Sometimes we feel like an outsider and sometimes like an insider.

Paul talked about people who had not yet come to the Lord. They were on the “outside” of Christianity. Last week we talked about taking the first step of commitment-- that of Commitment to Jesus Christ. We can’t save ourselves because we all fall short. We can’t ever live up to a set of rules or put ourselves in right standing with God. This is what the Jews thought they could do during Paul’s day. They felt that they were in the “in group” because of their strict keeping of the law and that the Gentiles were the “outsiders.” No way did they want them to be included either.

In today’s scripture Paul begins by giving an account of the great change that had taken place because of what Jesus had done on the cross. He is addressing both Jews and Gentiles alike.

When you commit your life to Jesus, then what? Is it all taken care of and then you just forget about it? Maybe you are baptized and join a church and say, “Well, I’ve taken care of that. I’ve bought my heavenly insurance policy.”

What can we get out of today’s scripture that will move us forward in our relationship with the Lord? Is commitment to the church necessary today?

1. You Belong: In what ways has your commitment to the church been a positive thing in your life? A negative thing? Why did you choose the church you are in? Because this was the church your family was in? Because it was the only church in the community? Because you married someone who went to this church?

There are probably a lot of reasons why you are in a particular church. It might be the style of worship, the friends or family you have who go there, the services that the church offer.

But you might go there because you simply feel “you belong.”

STORY: A woman kept calling her husband to get up one Sunday morning. He said, “I don’t want to go to church. I’m going to stay right here in this bed.”

She said, “You’ve got to go to church this morning.”

He continued to tell her, “I’m not going.

The church is cold and unfriendly.

The people don’t like me.

I don’t fit in.

She says, “get out of that bed, NOW!”

He said give me three good reasons why I should.

She said, 1. the church IS friendly

2. they do TOO like you.

3. and besides that, you’re the PASTOR.

Paul was trying to get across to the Jews who felt they were so near to God and on the “inside” track as well as to the Gentiles who felt they were on the “outside” that both groups were “brought near through the blood of Christ” (vs. 13). He was the common denominator who could put them all on the same standing as nothing else could do. He said, “Christ had destroyed the barriers that have separated us up to this point. He has brought peace with God to people who had not had peace. He has reconciled us to God through the Cross.

Verse 17 says, “He came and preached peace to you who were far away (the Gentiles) and peace to those who were near (the Jews) and he said through Christ we both have access to the Father by One Spirit.” He says when you commit your life to Christ, YOU BELONG. You are fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household.” (vs. 19). No longer are you foreigners or strangers--you are on the “inside.”

God “does TOO like you.”

2. Privileges and Responsibilities: Not only do we have privileges as members of the family of God, but we also have responsibilities. So now that you know your standing in Christ--now what do you do about the church?

STORY: A friend was in front of me coming out of the church one day and the preacher was standing at the door ready to shake hands. He grabbed my friend by the hand and said,

Joe, “You need to join the Army of the Lord!”

Joe replied, “I’m already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor.”

The Pastor questioned, “How come I don’t see you except at Christmas and Easter?”

He smiled and whispered back, “I’m in the secret service.”

Paul says, “unconverted sinners remove themselves at a distance from God but now you are brought home to God and received into the church. You have been taken into the covenant and possess all the privileges and responsibilities of belonging to the household of God.” He’s saying be “VISIBLE CHRISTIANS.”

You can look at these new Christians in the early church who were coming from all kinds of backgrounds. How did they manage to get along with one another? How did they put up with each others’ idiosyncrasies? How could they tolerate the barriers and prejudices that existed among them? Why did they have such enthusiasm for church of all things?

How can we begin to enjoy our Christianity more today? How can we not only receive the privileges of our Christianity but also be glad to accept the responsibilities of our commitment and try to work together in harmony?

I see several key things among these early Christians that strengthened their faith and gave them an enthusiasm toward the things of God.

1. They had a common purpose and unity--they wanted Christ to be made known. They bonded together and preached the doctrine of the resurrection. They bonded together because of Christ and as a result bonded with one another. Acts 4:32 tells us that the “disciples loved one another dearly and were of one heart and soul.”

We need to be like that too. Jesus said in John 13:35 that “all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” There was no discord or division among them in spite of their being from different backgrounds, ages, and socioeconomic statuses. They did not try to tear one another down but rather build each other up. Because Jesus removed the walls and barriers, we can have unity with people who are not like us.

The church was compared to a building and the foundation was Christ--you are a part of this building--all fitting together--being built up into a holy temple. They saw themselves as all fitting together in a common purpose. God dwells in all believers now--Scripture tells that “you are the temple of the Holy Spirit”(I Corinthians 3:16).

2. Their Religion was Real: they saw answers to prayer and they were excited about it. They had POWER because of the Holy Spirit. With works of great power they gave witness to the resurrection of Christ and the beauty of the Lord shone upon them.

They saw things happening in the church and in their individual lives. The were actively participating in all this and they could say, “I’m a part of it. I BELONG.” They were excited about the changes that had taken place in their own individual lives. Christ had made a DEFINITE DIFFERENCE.

Has your Christianity made a difference in your lives? Do you want to share it with others? If not, why do you think this is so?

3. A Spirit of Generosity: When they saw someone with a need they generously gave. They did not stand back on the fringe and “wait for George to do it.” They shared with one another in great acts of social concern and God’s blessings rested on the early church. They were generous with their time as well as their possessions.

Story: God looks down and notices that Adam is all alone while all the animals have companions so he decides to create a companion for man as well. He comes to see Adam and says to him, “Adam, you are my greatest creation and therefore, I am going to create for you the ultimate companion. She will worship the very ground you walk on, she will long for you and no other, she will be highly intelligent and she will wait on your hand and foot and obey your every command. She will be beautiful. All it will cost you is an arm and a leg.”

Thinking it over for a few seconds, Adam replies, “What could I get for a rib?”

When it comes to church are you saying, “God, what is the minimum I can offer you and still get by?? “What can I get for a rib????”

Church will not be meaningful to us when we are on the fringe. We must be involved in order to feel we truly “BELONG.”

Sometimes we are on the fringe in our commitment to the church maybe for a lot of reasons--we say we are TOO BUSY. Maybe it is more like we don’t have our priorities in the right order.

Maybe we are on the fringe because we are WAITING TO BE ASKED. If you see a need for a ministry to take place in the church, how could you help to make it happen. Sometime we have to open up our own doors where we think they are needed.

STORY: A group of singers went to minister at a snake handlers church down in Kentucky. When the service began and the congregation began to reach down into the snake box and pull out the snakes, the singers began looking to see if there was a back door to make their getaway if necessary. One whispered to the other, “Where’s the back door?” “How are we going to get out of here if we need to? Where is a door”

The bass singer said, “Well, where do you reckon there ought to be one???”

Where do you “reckon there ought to be a door of ministry here at this church?”

Could you make it happen???? Seek the Lord for your ministry. Don’t stand back on the fringe and wait for a door to open up automatically.

3. The Work is Still in Progress--We are united with the saints of the past. We are a part of the church universal--the invisible church as well as the visible church in our communities. We are building together on the foundation of Christ, the prophets and the apostles. The church is so important to us because we are being built up spiritually by the Holy Spirit. It is a continuous process. The stresses of life are continually at work trying to tear us down.

The church is so important because it is a secure place to come and be renewed for a new week ahead. It is a time to lift our hearts in worship to One who has done so much for us. If you are not being renewed and it is just NOT HAPPENING for you, WHY is it not happening? Are you being bonded together with other Christians or are you trying to make it on your own? Are others building you up in faith and are you building theirs up as well? Are you seeing exciting things taking place in your individual lives? Prayers answered? Opportunities for ministry opening up to you?

CONCLUSION: In Conclusion Peter likens us to LIVELY STONES--built up into a spiritual house. I Peter 2:5 says we are like“living stones being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

The question I want to ask you today is, “Do you have the life of Christ in your today?” and “Do you have a church that you are really committed to where you feel you REALLY BELONG?”