Summary: Analysis of the 23rd Psalm

Title: “How Can The Rod Comfort?”

Psalms 23: 4

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I will fear no evil: For You are with me; Your Rod & Your Staff, the comfort me.”

While I was in Africa, God really gave me a message on the Valley & how He is not only with us on the Mountain Top, but He is also with us when we face the Valleys of Life.

But there is a Particular part of this verse that caught my attention & it is the part that says, “Your Rod & Your Staff, they comfort me.”

I asked myself, “How can the Rod & the Staff be an Instrument of Comfort?” As a Youth growing up, my mother’s rod didn’t seem very comforting.

When my mom went to be with the Lord, I had the Privilege of getting to preach her Funeral. It was hard in some ways but in other ways it was easy because she lived the Life.

I think that Psalms 23: 4, must have been one of my mother’s favorite verses. She definitely felt like it was Inspired of God because she believed in the ministry of the Rod. She believed in Corporal Punishment.

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On more than one occasion my mother would apply the “Board of Education” to “The Seat of my Understanding.” And I love my mother to this day, for loving me enough to use the Rod.

Some of you might be saying to yourselves, “I just don’t believe in Corporal Punishment.” You are entitled to what you believe & I’m not going to try to change you, but I believe that it is Biblical.

Psalms 22:15

“Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the Rod of Correction will drive it far from him.”


Proverbs 29:15

“The Rod & Reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.”

Proverbs 13:24

“He who spares his rod hates his Son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly or early.”

I can tell you without a Shadow of a Doubt my mother really loved me! She disciplined me early in my Life & I learned as a boy, “If you cross the boundaries, there will be a price to pay.”

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We live in a Society where many people aren’t afraid to cross the Boundaries, because they know they won’t be held responsible for their actions.

In the Middle East the Shepherd will carry a “Rod” & “Staff”. The Shepherd takes great pride in these two pieces of Equipment.

He learns very quickly how to throw his Rod, with amazing speed & accuracy. It becomes his main weapon of Defense, not only for the Sheep, but also for himself.

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The Rod becomes an Extension of the Shepherd’s Arm. It stood as a Symbol of “Strength”, “Power” & “Authority”. He relied upon the Rod.

The Rod, his Weapon of Power is a continuous comfort to him. With the Rod in his hand, he is able to face any situation that might come his way.

The Rod speaks to us of “The Word of God”. It is God’s Expressed Intent to Mankind. It is the extended activity of God’s Mind & Will for Man.

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I. The Shepherd’s Rod was used for many Reasons.

1. It was used as an Instrument of Direction to Guide wayward Sheep from wandering Astray.

We are living in a time where people have gotten away from the Bible & they are doing what is right in their own eyes. This is the reason why so many people are Hurt & Confused.

It is reassuring to be able to turn to the Word of God & say, “God, I need your Direction because I don’t know what to do.”

-I need Your Word to Guide me.

-I need Your Word to keep me on Course.

-It keeps me from worldly Confusion.

-And it give me Comfort!

2. The Rod is used by the Shepherd, for the Welfare & Discipline of the Sheep.

If a Shepherd saw a Sheep wandering away on its own;

-approaching danger.

-getting too close to the edge of a cliff.

-He would use his rod to get its attention.

-Thank God for the Rod.

-This Book helps us to walk in Righteousness.

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Sometimes, we are just like Sheep & we begin to Stray. We get off of the right path & our Shepherd Loves us enough to use the Rod on us!

2 Timothy 3:16-17

“All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God & is profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for instruction in Righteousness.

“That the Man of God may be Complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

3. The Rod is used to Examine & Count Sheep.

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In the terminology of the O.T. this was referred to as, “Passing under the Rod.” (Ez.20:37) This meant not only coming under the owners control & authority, but also being subject to His Intimate & firsthand Examination.

Because of a Sheep’s long wool, it isn’t always easy to detect;


-Wounds that might be on the animal.

-Because they are hidden under the wool.

But the Skillful Shepherd will take His Rod & Carefully examine the True Condition of the Sheep.


-He opens up the Fleece with His Rod.

-He runs his Skillful Hand over its body.

-He carefully examines the Sheep.

-He looks under the surface of the wool.

It is a Comfort to the Sheep, for only in this way can the “Hidden Problems”, that lie below the Surface be laid bare before the Shepherd. Submit to the Shepherds Rod this morning.

Psalms 139:23-24

“Sear me, O God, & know my Heart; Try me, & know my Anxieties;

“And see if there is any wicked way in me, And Lead me in the way everlasting.”

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4. The Rod Is An Instrument of Protection, both for the Shepherd & for the Sheep, against the Enemy.

The Shepherd & the Sheep face all types of Enemies that could destroy them, if they didn’t have the Rod as a weapon of protection.

-They face Lions.

-They face Bears.

-They face all kinds Wild Animals.

-They face Snakes hidden under Rocks.

-But thank God for the Rod.

-It is used as a weapon of Defense.

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When Jesus faced the Devil in Matthew 4, Satan was doing everything within his power to Destroy Jesus. But Jesus used the Word of God as His Weapon of Defense.

-Let the Word of God Lead You.

-Let the Word of God keep you on Track.

-Let the Word of God Examine you.

-Let the Word of God Protect you from the Enemy.

-It is Sharper than a Two-Edged Sword.

-It is your Weapon of Defense.

II. The Shepherd Also Carried A Staff.

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When you think of a Shepherd, you automatically think of His Staff. What did he use the Staff For? It is usually a Long, Slender Stick, often with a “Crook” or a “Hook” on the end of it.

It isn’t unusual to see a Shepherd Leaning on His Staff. The Staff served as an Instrument of Comfort & Support. When I studied the use of the Staff, I thought about the Ministry of the Holy Spirit.

1. The Shepherd uses His Staff in drawing the Sheep together, into an Intimate Fellowship.


He will use His Staff to gently lift a Newborn Lamb, & bring it back to its mother’s side if it has been separated from its mother.

2. The Staff is used to Reach Out & Catch Individual Sheep, Young or Old & draw them Closer to the Shepherd.

Do you remember the day that the Shepherd put His Staff around you & drew you to Himself. I’ll never forget the day that the Holy Spirit said, “God is calling you by name & drawing you to Him.”

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3. The Staff is used in Guiding the Sheep.

The Shepherd will use His Staff to gently guide the Sheep where He wants them to go! When He sees that the Sheep are getting off course, He extends the Long Staff;

-He applies pressure if He needs to!

-He pulls them back into the Flock.

-Sheep can be very stubborn animals.

-They can get off course very easily.

-Sheep were meant to be in a Flock.

If they get out there & start wandering off on their own, they become an open target for the Enemy. This is for someone today.

I don’t care how old you are in the Lord, you need the regular fellowship of the Flock. You need to learn to submit not only to “The Great Shepherd”, but also to the shepherd that God has placed over you.

Sometimes a Shepherd will put “His Staff” against the side of a Sheep just to say;

-I see you Today.

-I haven’t forgotten you.

-I just want to fellowship with you.

-I’m aware of your needs.

4. The Staff is used in Lifting a Fallen Sheep.

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Being Stubborn creatures Sheep often get themselves into certain areas where they don’t know how to get out of. But the Shepherd extends that Long Staff & begins to pull them out of their Situation.

Many of the Jams that we get ourselves into of our own making & God knows that. Then in His Tenderness, Compassion & Care our Shepherd comes to us;

-He Draws us Back.

-He Lifts us out of the Pit.

-He says, “your headed down the wrong path”.

-Let His Rod & Staff Comfort you today.

-We serve a Great God who really love you.
