Summary: This sermons speaks of the lessons that may be learned from ants !

You Can Learn A Lot From An Ant

Prov. 6:6-9, Prov. 30:25

Proverbs 6:6-9 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.

Pro. 30:25 The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.

Have you ever heard of a Myrmecologist ?’s not a person that studies "murmuring" ! Myrmecology is the study of ants. I don’t know about devoting one’s whole live to studying the little things, but I do know that the bible says to consider their ways. And when we do take a look at them we find out that there quite an amazing creature, and there is much wisdom that can be gained from watching them. There are over 10,000 different species of ants. They are able to lift 20 times their own body weight. That means that if I had their strength I could lift approx. 4000 lbs. Ants have been found to build structures 500 times their own height. The brain of one ant has 250,000 cells whereas the human brain has 10,000 Million brain cells. However they probably use more of their cells than we do. What do you think? Ants also have 2 stomachs. One for storing up food to share with others later, and one for itself. Isn’t that nice of them to be so thoughtful?

The life expectancy of an ant is 45-60 days. Yet these tiny creatures accomplish much in your short life-span.

This morning I want us to consider the ants……cause we can learn a lot from an ant.

I. Ants Teach Us A Lesson About Performance.

a. To perform with efficiency there must be a plan.

At first glance at a anthill, and you just see a lot of activity. Ants running around everywhere…..but they have a plan. I believe that there are a a lot of believers who are active, and churches that are filled with programs…..but they have no plan. They have no vision for the future. They have little if any idea as to what their function is, and which way they are going. As a church we must have a vision, we must be as wise as ants. We must make all that we do count for the kingdom. Every organization, every committee, every class within the church should be geared towards reaching people, and teaching people !

b. To perform with efficiency there must be participation.

Take a look at a anthill, and you want see many if any ants just sitting around or standing around doing nothing. Everyone one of those ants have a job, and no one has to tell them what it is…..and no one has to push them to do it ! I wish that we could be that way as a church. Many folks would lose their job if they worked on their job the way they do for the Lord. We often do things half-way, throw things together at the last moment….put little if any time or planning into our efforts. We show up for the last minute unprepared ! If people ran their business the way that we operate at the house of God sometime………the businesses would go bankrupt !

Ants work together in harmony. You know how they’re able to do it! Each person is responsible! And their so busy doing what their supposed to do that they don’t have time to fight among themselves!

Ecc. 9:10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might........."

Col. 3:17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Col 3:21 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

c. To perform with efficiency there must be peace.

One of the reasons that ants can get so much accomplished despite their size and in such a small amount of time is because of harmony.

Psa 133:1 Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Illust. When those who are called to fish, don’t fish, they fight!

Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

II. Ants Teach Us A Lesson About Partnership.

A quote from a evolutionist:

“On their own, each ant’s behavior is relatively useless, but when swarms of ants come together, the patterns optimize naturally and allow them to accomplish tasks that should be far beyond their reach. To the outside observer, their self-organizing efforts seem to be directed by some larger force or collective intelligence. Theirs is a society that is truly more than the sum of its parts.” Did you catch that phrase ……..”larger force”. We call that larger force God. He created the ant, and they fulfil their purpose !

a. There is solidarity.

The ant colony is a community. They build these colonies sometimes to a depth of 35 feet below the is like a city for ants. Their are complex building with rooms for various activities. They all live together in this colony. You very seldom see an ant by itself. They live together as a family and work together as a team to get done what needs to be done.

We as believers we are co-laborers with the Lord. We have to work together, and pull together or we’ll pull apart!

b. There is sharing.

They share their food, their facilities, and even look after and take care of each other’s young.

Illust. Once upon a time there were a pig and a cow living together on a farm. The cow was popular while the pig was not. This puzzled the pig. "People speak warmly of your gentle nature and your sorrowful eyes," the pig said to the cow. ’They think you’re generous because each day you give them milk and cream. But what about me? I’m going to give them everything I have. I’ll give bacon and ham. I’ll provide bristles for brushes. They’ll even pickle my feet! Yet not one likes me. Why is that?’"

The cow replied, "Perhaps it is because I give while I’m still living.’"

c. There is support.

III. Ants Teach Us A Lesson About Preparedness.

Ants don’t know the meaning of procrastination ! They don’t wait til the weather turns cold before they are preparing. They gather food while it is still warm and take it into their colony ! Many of those who work hard all day will never eat of the food they are preparing because their they will die before cold weather……but they want to make certain that their families are taking care of.

V7. "Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest and gathereth her food in the harvest.

Proverbs 30:25 The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.

a. They prepare for their family.

It only makes sense to make sure that our families will be taken care of in the future if something should happen to us. That’s just plain good common sense, and stewardship.

b. They prepare for their future.

Would you learn a lesson from these tiny creatures designed by God ? They are looking to the future each day. They are preparing for what lies ahead. I must ask you this morning……are you prepared for eternity. Are you ready for that day when you will go out into eternity and stand before God ?

Is there something God has told you to do or is leading you to do….and yet you’ve put it off ? Do it now ! Prepare now !

IV. The Ants Teach Us A Lesson About Perseverance.

Ants have an amazing ability to survive all kinds of weather. They adapt well no matter the circumstances, and are very resilient. You ever notice how quickly they recover when you destroy one of their colonies. They immediately start to repair the damage done. Ants ain’t quitters. They persevere.

a. through danger.

Though there small so much sometimes that we don’t even notice them.... They pack a powerful punch if you mess with them.

b. through disaster.

You can run over a anthill with a lawn mower……kick it in…..wash it away with a waterhose…..and they’ll build it back ! Ants ain’t quitters !

c. through disturbances.

As we prepare for the invitation this morning……consider the ways of the ants !

How are you performing in life ? On the job…..with your family……for the Lord ?

Are you doing your best ?

Are you a partner in the ministry of the church ? We need workers ! We need for every member of this church to participate in its ministry !

Are you prepared for the future ? Is your family ? Ready to meet the Lord ?

If not, come this morning, and get ready….make things right !