Why Don’t You Understand? What keeps the world from understanding the will of God in their lives? Mar 8:21 And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand?
Mar 8:33 But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.
In life many people go for the good things in life, many for the free things in life and still more go for the destructive things in life. All we have to do is find out which category that we live in. But we as Christians are not supposed to be in any of these, “Come out from among them and be ye a separated people.” We have talked in the past of how the church is starting to follow after the things of the world and the dangers of part time Christianity and the inability of many to hold on to the truth in the word of God. We need to discuss, why you do not understand the will of God in your life. I visited a Family cemetery the other day over the Memorial Day weekend, just as millions did, putting flowers on the graves of family and as I look around, I spotted many graves with dates past the 1800s. Names and dates that I never knew and people that were all but forgotten, graves that hadn’t been visited in ages. As I looked at them I wondered, Was the will of God accomplished in their lives, were they saved, were they lost, I also heard a comment from one person, “ This man was an evil man, but we still should put flowers on His grave to remember Him.” Forgotten graves, forgotten people, forgotten lives. Jesus once said, “ Let the dead burry the dead,” Let the unbelievers burry those who have died, for they will never follow me. Jesus knew the hearts of men and we are to follow after Him. When the scripture tells us that something is unrighteous, why don’t we believe it? Why cant we follow after the example that Jesus left us. Why are many trying to use the word Love over the word Unrighteousness? There are many verses in scripture that tell us of the unwavering status of Jesus when it came to faith and righteousness. Mar 8:34 ,” Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” How do we deny ourselves? , We do that by letting go of the worldly things and our aspirations and wants, needs desires and opinions and follow after the one who has all the answers. Remember, It doesn’t matter what you believe, what matters is what Gods word says. Church doctrine, world doctrine, mans doctrine, it’s all the same if its not based on Gods word. Useless. A faithless generation is what were facing, the Bible states that we will come to that. A world that is expecting miracles and signs, but will not see a sigh from heaven but a sign from the antichrist.
Mar 9:19 He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? ….
Mark 9:19 has an extremely important question, one that has stood the test of time and has brought us almost to the brink of extinction. “How long shall I suffer you?” When Jesus spoke, God spoke, ask yourself this question lost and saved. How much longer will God suffer with you, how much longer will His wrath be held in check, how much longer will this world say, “It been a long time sense Jesus left, maybe God changed His mind” “Maybe Ill wait another day, another week, another month, maybe next year. Jesus is asking, “Why don’t you understand?” Many here today at one time or another, played with the affections of God, played with His patience, His mercy, His Loveingkindness, until one day we UNDERSTOOD, tomorrow may not come, tomorrow may be the day I have to answer for all that I’ve done. Can anyone sitting here, guarantee me that they will be able to walk out of these doors, or get home or see another sunrise, can anyone here guarantee me that Gods wrath will hold off another day, year or until your ready to make a commitment to Him, can you? Cant you understand that God loves you but that His spirit will not always strive with man, cant you understand that you don’t have to die or the rapture take place or the world be on fire before God calls you, thru the Holy spirit, for the last time and then after His patience with you runs out, give up on you? Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; He turned them over ,to believe a lie and be damned.
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. There is no excuse, God has given man an opportunity to make a choice and many have rejected it. Why don’t you understand the will of God? You have teachers and preachers and evangelist, you have the written word of God, and the word is on TV. Radio, Internet and by the word of mouth, God has reveled Himself to you by many means and some still say that they don’t understand. Mar 8:33 But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men. Jesus was stating that many don’t understand the will of God because they savor the things of the world, they want the things that the world offers but the word of God gets in the way, “Taste not, Touch not,” “Handle not the unclean thing.” Not everyone will be saved, thou it be the will of God. Why? Man is getting to a point in his development that he feels that he is in control of his destiny; he feels that he is in control of his life, finances and even his death. Man has gotten to the point that he thinks that he is God. With all that has and will happen in this world, why do you still not understand? Prophecy, Word, Famons, Floods, War, Dangers and Tribulation on every hand, and man still has no more control over any of these than he did in the beginning.
Let me ask you a question, If the Angels of Heaven rejoice over one person that is saved, do they greave over a person that rejects the call of God? Don’t wait until its too late, reflect, repent and rejoice, tell Jesus that, You Understand. Ars.