Summary: In 1 Corinthians, Paul addresses essentials for a sound church. In this chapter, he emphasizes how we came to be.

Essentials of the Church

Eastern Townships

November 2004

We are a church, in the Townships, that wants to make a difference for the Kingdom. However, we recognize that we have some challenges. We have the geographical challenge of being spread out over a considerable distance, and not having a concentration of us, in any significant number, in any one location. We have the challenge of being an aging congregation. We have the challenge of being a church with limited financial resources. However, we are a church that has been here for many years and one which, I firmly believe, is to be an outpost, with a continuing mission, in the work of God’s kingdom. We are a church that wants to do God’s work. While we seek, and wait, for His clarity on the matter of how and what He wants us to be doing here, I think it is an ideal time to be renewed in essentials of the church. It is a good time to be renewed in those basic matters that will enable us to be a better church, and to function more completely on the front lines of the Kingdom in this lovely area.

Over the next months, we will draw some essential lessons from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church. It was a church, too, trying to figure itself out and trying to understand how to be, within the kingdom work of the time. Paul’s letter is very helpful for us and is, I believe, very renewing and encouraging, too.

Today, then, we’ll focus on the first chapter, where there is one essential of the church clearly laid before us. This is one that we dare not forget, as we advance in doing the work of the family to which we belong- that wonderful family of God.

1 Cor.1.- 8 times, Paul emphasizes where this church came from. This is the essential- likely the most basic and necessary essential- of the church. Through using the words ‘call’ (and variants), chosen, and ‘you are’, Paul underscores how this body came to be, and how each individual came to be in it. Let’s begin to see this, and how Paul unfolds this vital lesson.

v.1- Paul was called- he acknowledged that he came to be, within the Christian context, through God’s intervention in his life. His was a dramatic calling, as we know, and it was not simply a calling to conversion, but one to service, as well. He was merrily going along living his life, and doing, for God, what he thought ought to be done, when ‘whammo’, he was struck as with lightning and his life changed. He wasn’t called for just anything, but was called to serve Jesus, as a result of God’s will. When you think of it, this is the same for each of us, and Paul underscores this, as he goes along. Each of us was merrily going along in our lives and God, for reasons that only He seems to know, ‘dared’ to interrupt our lives and ‘dared’ to give us a direction different from what we might have taken on our own. For some of us, this happened early. For some of us, this happened later. But, for all of us, it happened. God’s will is involved. Just imagine that- meditate on that- think of that. God, who made everything ‘from things which do not appear’ called, and you heard.

v.2- Paul underscores, now, the origin of the church, and the position of those in the church. The church belonged to God, and not to any individual or party- this became an issue later, but Paul is laying the sound foundation, now, for what would come in a short while. Those in the church are sanctified, which means to be set apart by the Spirit, and not by human action. Divine action formed the church, and this action, again, was from the highest source. Those in the church, then and now, are ‘called’ to be saints. This calling has great moral consequence. This is not just some title God had to come up with so people would feel special, but it is one that carries a lot of responsibility- a lot of consequence. He underscores the unity of the church- from many areas, with different people- but all having Jesus as their lord.

v.3- Paul gives the greeting which gives the greatest gifts he can pray for or wish for. Grace is the basis for all Christian life, and peace is the outcome of God’s redemption in Christ.

Paul, therefore, begins by reminding people of who they are. He goes on to explain his love for them and to raise their viewpoint. They were guilty, as we’ll see, of looking at things ‘here below’ and he wanted to elevate their vision. So, he (v.4) reminds them of what they’ve received through Jesus- not through their own action or activity. He shows them how they’ve received what they always sought, but never achieved through Greek society and approach. The Greeks highly sought the ability to speak well and to have great knowledge- and they didn’t really receive it until they submitted to Christ. Paul bore Christ’s testimony to them (v.6), and it was confirmed by their transformed lives. They, as all Christians, had not attained the peak of life, yet, because they were waiting (v.7) for the fullest revelation of Jesus- waiting for the revealing of Him at His return, and he reminds them of Christ’s ongoing work in them (v.8). They don’t have to worry about their fate, as long as they are in Christ, because God is faithful (v.9); God called them into a fellowship which is created by Christians’ common participation in Christ. They, and we, have not been called into a social group; we have not been called into a humanitarian organization; we have been called into a spiritual body, which is the body of the greatest individual to ever walk this earth, then return to heaven.

In these first 9 verses, 3 times, Paul underscores their calling and orients them upward. This all laid the groundwork for what was to follow. He had heard of dissention among them- of divisions- which were not seemly for the church.

v.10- the name of Jesus- this one name- heals (Acts3.6), baptizes (Acts 2.38), judges (1 Cor.5.3). This one name can heal wounds that would rip a church apart. Too many churches have allowed this to occur. They have allowed human motives, agendas, misunderstandings, and carnality (or fleshly responses) to rip them apart. Paul stands up and addresses this and tells them to be mended- perfectly joined- together in the mind of Jesus.

He goes on to explain what he had heard, possibly from servants of Chloe’s house. They were espousing their favourite teachers or ministers. I know we all have those we’ve related to particularly well. Some members ‘click’ with some ministers better than others. Sometimes we prefer the teaching or speaking style of some minister better than others. However, under Jesus Christ, these are peripheral matters. We’re here, in the fellowship of Jesus Christ, and personal preferences are not to be what keeps us. I’ve seen this, in other churches, and it’s devastating to churches and to faith of individuals in the churches. Party spirit is inappropriate- it’s a matter of sin to be repented of. As long as ministers are speaking God’s words, and not our own, and as long as we’re going to God for messages and not simply setting our own agendas, then we all have a valuable part to play in the development of the church and the work of God.

Paul expressed his gratitude for his position toward these Christians and that he understood his mission (v.17). So, this church, and these saints, were to remember how they came to be in the church and were to thank God for His involvement and were to go forward together. Paul was to preach the word, not to attempt to dazzle people. We must be careful not to miss this reality in our churches. My job is not to dazzle and entertain you. Peter’s job is not to dazzle and entertain you. Our job is to teach God’s word- there’s a power in the word. There’s an incredible newness there, too, as we come to it daily. And this word is what will change us, not dazzling and entertaining preaching.

Paul goes on to explain how different people react to the message of the cross, and how God’s wisdom is higher than what man can get on his own. The Greeks were famous for seeking wisdom, but, in reality, until they came to God, they didn’t make it. What it takes is a revelation from God of what is really important.

v.24- people who have responded to God’s calling have their minds changed, and they see the power- at least understand, from a distance- the power that is in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is the only name through which we can overcome sin and it’s the only name that provides an effective means of salvation. If God has any foolishness, it’s higher than the greatest wisdom of men (v.25)- this, in our day and age, is an essential message to remember. We can have our minds turned. When we go through difficult times, even in the church, we can have our minds turned away from what is essential and important, which has to do with our calling and the true work of the church that we’ve accepted.

v.26- we’re to clearly view our calling- again that word- this is the 5th time it has been used- you might want to connect them, and you’ll find a 6th time at the end of the verse. We’re told, in other places, that we’re to see ourselves honestly. This doesn’t exactly build us up, but the Greeks were getting too ‘high and mighty’ about themselves, and so can we do.

v.27- Emphasis, again, is on God and what He ahs done, and the reality of a great mission or objective that he has in the process. He has made some choices for a purpose. You are part of his choosing and He is working out a purpose in your life, and mine.

v.28- same idea. The goal, on His part, is huge (v.29). Once there was no church in Corinth, or WCG in the Townships, except in the mind of God, but then there was, and there is.

v.30- the last time, in this chapter, that we have Paul emphasizing who you, and I, are, he says ‘you are’, which draws the connection between belonging to God/Jesus and who we are. Jesus is everything for us- wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. There is no way, apart from Him, to have all that. And, when you get down to it, what else matters?

v.31- here’s where our glorying is to be. Let is not be anywhere else.


What is the essential of the church that we’re to draw here? It is that we are who we are because of God. That is fundamental. You and I could get tired of that truth, but Paul took a long time, here, to underscore this essential fact. God has interfered in our lives and brought us to himself. We’re here because of God. This church is here because of God. We advance because of God. What other root do we need? What other source of hope do we need? Jesus is here. Yes, we’re small. Yes, we’re aging. Yes, we don’t have lots of money. But, through Jesus, we have every resource we need to be able to do the work ahead. We’ll discuss some of that after the service, but we can be very hopeful, as we focus on the source and the hope of our being- Jesus Christ as a result of the will of God our Father, and through the activity of the Holy Spirit.

Let us appreciate what God has done for us, through our church, over the years. I hope there will be great cause for ongoing appreciation, as we go forward together, too.