Summary: I know that personally, when I was in a jam, or in a rough spot, I spent too much time complaining about my problem and trying to get out of it, instead of focusing on the fact that God was only preparing me, and getting me ready for something....

Be ready, God wants you

Daniel 1-3

Intro: Sometimes in life we find our selves in situations that make us wonder. “How come I am the only one who has to do this?” Or “how come he/she does not have to go through it?” Then we spend all of our time complaining, grumbling about our situation and trying to get out of the situation. The truth of the matter is that we think we are spending time, but we are wasting time. I say that because the Bible (which is the book form where we are taught out of and which holds all we need to know in order to live a successful Christian life) says in 1Thesselonians 5:18 to give thanks in ALL things. As far as I know it is impossible to be thankful and grumble and complain about the same thing simultaneously. Now I know that some of you may be thinking if something is going bad, how do you expect me to give God thanks. And why would I want to do that? Well that’s because the Bible (there’s that book again says that) says in Romans 8:28 that ALL things work together for the good of those that love the Lord. The main problem we have is that we don’t have TRUE FAITH. With true faith, you will understand that, as a Christian, God has a plan for your life and if it involves a little pain and frustration now and then, so be it. We have to KNOW that God has a plan for us. That is the main key.

We also have to begin to look to the Bible for more help. It is a book filled with so much information. It will help you, if you want it to help you. That comes by not just reading it once, but reading it to understand. I know that the reason I never wanted to read the Bible was because I thought that there was nothing in there for me at all. I always thought, how can a bunch of people who only wore skirts help me out? How can people who lived thousands of years ago help me in what I am doing today?

Info: Around 605bc there was a king of Babylon by the name of Nebuchandnezzar. He went around invading countries, towns, villages and taking all the people he thought were useful back to Babylon. He took all the intelligent, good looking, strong people. He left only the poor and weak and they took whatever land was left. On this specific raid he captured, among many others 4 boys. These 4 young men did not know it but what they were about to do, and more importantly what they were NOT going to do would be talked about for centuries to come. These young men got together and decided that they were going to stick together in their decisions and not change. Even when death was placed before them they showed that Faith can definitely move mountains.

Question: How can I live for Christ when life seems so unfair?

I. Understand God’s calling on your life. (God calls us to commitment, not comfort)

a. What ever happens in your life, God allowed it.(Ch1v2)

b. God puts us in a place where you can be selected (Ch1v6)

` i. God chose us from BEFORE birth. (Ephesians 1:11)

ii. We did NOT choose God, he chose us (John 15:16)

c. Your situation my look impossible, but God is in control.

i. Trust him (maze illustration)

d. God will show you his favor. (Ch1v19)

i. What is favor? THE HOOK UP

II. You have to be & live GODLY.

a. Do not eat everything put in front of you. (ch1v8)

i. This does not necessarily mean food.

ii. It means don’t believe everything you hear. (reason for handouts)

iii. People will try to change your mind on your belief of having a

relationship with Christ. (You don’t have to go to church, Jehov. Witness ill.)

b. Realize it’s not all about you. (Ch2v24)

i. Even when you are in need, go to God about others.

c. In all things, give God the Glory. (Ch2v28)

i. Nothing is done by our own skill or talent alone.

ii. There is no such thing as luck.

d. Show that you are a child of God Publicly.

i. At every opportunity show your love for Christ.

ii. ex. Work, school, music, email, jokes

III. Wait on Jesus, it’s worth it.

a. The battle is not yours (Ch3v16)

b. When things begin to look dim, be bold in God (Ch3v17-18)

c. The enemy will try to put you down.

i. He will have others try to plot against you. (Ch3v8-12)

ii. He will try to frighten you. (Ch3v19)

iii. He will try to tie you up. (Ch3v20 relat., finan., self esteem)

iv. He will throw you in the fire.

d. Try not to wait [for Jesus], by yourself.

i. Daniel & the 3 boys hardly ever did anything alone

ii. v 12: test us, v 16: told king they did not need to defend themselves

v. 17: Told king if we are thrown into the furnace.

iii. This shows the importance of staying together.

iv. It is better and much easier to take a stand with others who have the same goals.

v. This is why cell groups are so important. (rob a store with someone)

IV. God WILL show up. (Ch3v25) “God is seldom early, but never late” –Pastor Fernando

All of this will be easier said than done

a. Although you are in the fire, PRAISE GOD!

i. They stood together (Musketeer mentality)

ii. They were not in the fire playing spades, giving God praise (my opinion.)

b. You are not alone “God plus you always equal the majority” Pastor Fernando

c. God will give you the victory, but for HIS glory.

i. It is difficult [at times] to not take credit. [Dental floss ill.]

d. Lives will be changed. (Ch3v28-29)

e. Once God has been glorified. He will move you to a new place. (Ch3v30)

Altar call: There is nothing better in life than to see a young person serve the lord. Why is that? Because according to the way the word is going now, its different. Anything that does not fit the normal stereotype of a young person is considered in the minority. Ask: How many remember when Eminem came out? Why was he so popular? The answer is because he was so different. It caused people to want to look to see what he was all about. Ask yourself, “do I fall into the normal definition of a young person? Do I want to be perceived as a regular young person who has no respect? One who is expected to be heard cursing loud on the trains or busses, saying thing that should not be said. Ask yourself, “Is that me?” Do I want people to perceive me, or see me like this? They say that perception is everything. Truthfully speaking it isn’t. (IPOD illustration). The one thing that kills perception, that thing is word of mouth. (TSHIRT illustration) When people know who you are, when someone else perceives you as one thing they will clear it up. Are you ready to be different? Are you ready to do what God wants you to do? Are you ready to stand up for Jesus, because he stood up for you, as a matter of fact he walked up a hill for you, he carried something for you, he was crucified for you, he was stabbed in his side for you, he hanged on a cross for you, he died for you. Most importantly he rose from the dead for you.