Summary: Though we suffer many situations in life and many of them get us depress. It may seem like the suffering will never end, but GOD want to remind us that this suffering is only temporary. Yet, his love, joy and peace endured forever

I want you to take in for a thought today this situation. Follow me now, the time now is 5:59 am, and at this time, if one was listing they could hear the loud wailing of men and women crying. And they are crying because, three days ago, they witness the death and burial of their Lord and Savior. Understand from 12:00 pm (the 6th hour) to 3:00 pm (the 9th hour) they watch their hopes, their dreams, and their salvation; their everything hang on a roman cross. At 3:00 pm (the 9th hour), they watch their hopes, their dreams, and their salvation; their everything die right before their eyes. And after they buried Jesus, many of his love ones and his followers that witness this tragedy begin to say, “All is lost and there is no reason to continue on. Many could not bear the reality of everything that they depended on and loved so dearly was buried. To them there was no reason to live and because they believed, there was no reason to live; they begin mourn and cry, because they felt like all hope was lost.

Allow me to bring this story to home. Today somebody is still mourning and crying over past events. Let me bring it a little close to you. Have ever been so close to achieving a dream, yet it seems like you will never complete it and it does not matter how much closer you get to that dream; it seems like it farther and farther away. Or have you ever been so close to achieving a dream; and you watch it being crush right in your face. Have you ever had high expectations in someone, but your heart was broken because they fail to meet your expectations. Have you ever had so much hope in a love one or your child, yet they become an alcoholic or a crackhead. It seems like you cannot keep them out of the streets or out of jail no matter what you do. Have you ever lost someone who you loved dearly and they were your biggest inspiration in life. And it does not matter if it was by natural causes or by tragedy; the reality that they died and they will no longer be a presence in your life is enough to make you stop pursuing your goals in life and stop living. Are you working on a job where it used to be a joy to clock in, but now your dread every moment you clock into work. It seems like you can barely get along with your boss; and your co-workers always starting something. You are looking for a change, but it seems like this is the best thing going. Do you have a sinful habit that you come to the awareness of that it is hurting your family, but you cannot stop it no matter how hard you try. And the fact you cannot stop it is taking all of your joy and happiness away.

It is these situations that we go through is what David call in Psalms 30 our night. Understand that David was known as a man after GOD’s own heart, yet he is one the biggest sinners in the bible. Understand that David committed many sins before his adulteress act with Beersheba. Before Beersheba David was, a very arrogant man and he pride himself in war. He pride himself so much in war that started to believe that it was him that winning these wars and not GOD. Over the years David, develop into what we would call a killer. His pride in war was exploited in 2 Samuel 24. David became so confident in his strength and his army that he order a census to see the numbers of his strength and give it credit for winning wars. Instead of listening and depending on the word of GOD; he order the completion of the censuses. After the census, the word of GOD came unto the prophet Gad. Gad told David that he had committed a great sin against him by disobeying GOD’s order. Gad told David that he had anger GOD and now his life is depended on three choices:

1. There would be a famine in the land for seven years (explain)

2. Be continually on the run from his enemies for a full three months (explain)

3. Three days of a pestilence or plague in the land (explain)

David knew this was the word of GOD and he option not to make a choice, but to replace him and his kingdom in the hand of his Lord GOD. David knew that GOD would have mercy on him. David knew that if GOD allow man to come into his kingdom that man would have as much mercy on him as he had in war. And that was none. But he knew that GOD mercy endured forever. That is why David was rejoicing when he saw the plague upon his because he knew that GOD mercy was upon them and with the mercy of GOD on his side, he knew that his enemies could not plot or plan fast enough in three days to do any harm. This period of tribulation that David was going through, even though is lasted for a full days, he call it a night. He called it a night because this was a dark time in the kingdom, but this plague was here for only three days.

Somebody, today, is going through some trials and tribulations and I know that you being going through this situation for twenty days or twenty years, but GOD want to tell you that you are going through your night. The only reason you are still in the night because you have not yield to the word of GOD. Somebody, today, is trying to achieve a dream that will never come true, because GOD has made it clear to you before that this is not his holy will. Somebody, today, is going through a night of a bad relationship and some even made the mistake of marring this bad relationship because they thought that they could break a man and a woman. And the only thing you did for the problem is made it worst then what it already is. Somebody is carrying high expectations of love one or a child, and there is nothing wrong about carrying high expectations, but have them base on truth and not what you assume. Somebody, today, is using somebody as a crutch. I mean that somebody is using somebody as there inspiration to achieve their goals in life, but I just want to remind you that grandmamma and granddaddy, mama and daddy, and your friends want live forever. So you need to lean and depend on GOD. Their some who call themselves Christians, but they cant stop a certain sin in there life that they cannot stop doing and they know that it is hurting love ones but they just can’t quit. This is what David calls a night.

Is their anyone that is going through a night, for GOD has a message for you, "You are a minute before joy.” I know a minute can be a short time when we say cliché like a New York minute or quick minute. Moreover, a minute can be a long time when we say hang on for a minute or give me a hot minute. I know a minute can be a long time if you have gone through a long night. Somebody is moaning and groaning through a long night. Somebody has been crying all night long. We have praying and praise GOD to help us through the night, and GOD want to tell us that we are a minute before Joy.

I want you to know that the time now is 5:59 am and I know that many have been weeping all night long but you are a minute before Joy. I know one Thursday evening my joy was betrayed but I can here him say you are a minute before Joy. I know that Thursday night he went from judgment hall to judgment being whip, batter, and bruise, even though he didn’t say a mumbling word, you still a minute before Joy. They said crucify my joy, and that whip him up golgata hill, but you are a minute before joy. My joy hung and die on a old rugged cross, but before he die, he said you are a minute before Joy. My joy lay in the grave all day Friday; my joy lay in the grave all day Saturday; but early one Sunday morning you hear a voice say my joy lives. Because early at 6:00 (the 1st hour) my joy rose, he rose with all power in his hand. Don’t worry if at this minute you sad and depress. Don’t worry if at this minute you are sick and tired of you situation. GOD want you to know that you are a minute before Joy. That is my sermon for today. Love you, GOD bless and have a bless day. :P