Summary: When your heart is overwhemled God will lead you to the Rock that’s higher than yourself. Jesus is bidding that you come and receive what He has to offer at the Rock.

There’s a gospel song that’s being played over the airwaves; it says, "…when my heart is overwhelmed... lead me to the rock, lead me to the rock that’s higher than I." What an awesome song! We are all overwhemled during various stages of our lives and God has a place he wants to lead us to; Therefore, I want to share a word of encouragement concerning What’s at the Rock.

To be overwhelmed is to be surged over and submerged; engulfed – There are times we find ourselves surged over, submerged, engulfed and inundated in emotional confusion, hurts and disappointment, deadlines, financial burdens, illness, one trial after another and the list goes on and on. The waves keep coming and we find ourselves sinking and being swallowed up by the tides. We fight and fight, strategize, cry and at times we want to give. The pressure seem like it’s too much to bear (1 Cor 10:13). That’s why a song like “lead me to the rock” is so powerful because it relates to all of us; we all at times are overwhelmed and we need to be led “to the Rock that higher than ourselves.”

Jesus says the same thing in Matthews 11:18-30, when your heart, mind, and the inner depths of your soul is overwhelmed and flooded with physical and mental distress, when it feels like you are carrying weights that’s too heavy, when the demands of others and burdensome; Jesus instructs us to come unto Him. Not only did He say come unto the Rock but He promise to give us rest.

What’s at the Rock?

-- Rest is at the Rock. Jesus has promised - I will give you rest: anapauo {an-ap-ow’-o} - a root verb ("pause"). Jesus wants to press the pause button and refresh your mind. The rest Jesus is speaking of is to cause you cease from any movement or mental anquish in order for you to recover and collect your strength. (Is. 40:31).

-- Refreshing is at the Rock. The Rock is the place of refreshing, a place where the Lord will revive you with rest (peace), food (nourishment of the Word), or drink (river of living water) in order to give you new vigor and passion.

-- Healing is at the Rock. The rock is the place where Jesus wants to gently peel or scrape the edges of a wound to promote healing.

There’s a Rock that higher than your issues.

It’s time to press the PAUSE button!

Visit the Rock and He will prepare you to press the play button of life.

If you continue without making a visit to the Rock you will be rendered powerless by the excessive and abundance of perplexities and trouble in your life.

The Rock came to take your yokes and heavy burdens. We all wear yokes of one kind or another but the Rock has a yoke that’s easy and His burdens are light. When your heart is overwhemled God will lead you to the Rock the higher than I. Jesus is bidding that you come and receive what He has to offer at the Rock.

Rest – Refreshing – A Place of Healing