Summary: Free,Free At Last

Freedom In Christ, A True Independence Day


John 8:36 “therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed”

Patrick Henry: Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death

Abraham Lincoln: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Tomorrow our nation celebrates Independence Day. For Americans, it should be a day that reminds us how fortunate we are. Some of us here today have had our freedom taken away. Probably rightfully so. And though some of us may have spent years behind bars, we knew that there was a day in front of us when we would regain our freedom. Liberty never looks so sweet as it does when we do not possess it.

There have been people who have been enslaved by one form of government or another since mans earliest history.

There have always been a group of men ready to impose their will upon others. Sometimes in the belief, right or wrong, that they knew what was best for themselves and their fellow men.

When they were right, their imposed will could be a blessing, lifting others out of lives of poverty, disease, and dispair. When men desire to rule over others with right motives much good can be accomplished.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our founding fathers came from a religiously repressive environment. These were men of different religious outlooks. But they had a burning desire to live where they were free to worship God as they saw fit. Many of our most important documents are framed around their love of God…One nation under God…indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. One nation, under God. Not above, not even alongside. But under.

Separation of church and state. Our founding fathers wanted that. What a box of worms that has become in the last 30 years. Every day in the courts around this nation there is a case somewhere concerning the issue of separation of church and state.

When I attended elementary school we started the day by reciting the 23rd psalm. We also recited the pledge of allegiance. Church AND state. In school. What were we thinking? Today the ten commandments can NOT be displayed in public schools. Evolution is taught from early on, but Creation by a loving God cannot be mentioned. Prayer is rarely allowed.

Separation of church and state. What that means today is that belief in God, in His Bible, in the creation story, in prayer, in anything concerning love and worship of God, is being slowly stifled by the state in the name of separation.

The irony in all of this is that our founders were not concerned about God being in the State. They firmly implanted Him there by the wording of our greatest and most loved documents. What they did not want was the State sticking its nose into their religion. They left religious repression behind. They wanted one Nation, under God. Under God.

It seems that anytime man is left to his own devices long enough, things begin to go sour. Our country is only a couple of hundred years old. Yet, here we are, seemingly drifting slowly back towards the religiously repressive past that this country was founded to end. It could be funny, if it were not such a sad statement concerning the hearts of Men.

I know no one likes pessimism. Neither do I. But I have some bad news. This will never end as long as man is ruling this earth. If the world as we know it ends tomorrow or five hundred years from now, people will still be struggling to keep from coming under the will of God. And they will still dislike, even despise, those of us who so gladly submit to Gods will.

So, what is the appropriate way to celebrate independence day? By getting drunk, firing off fireworks and guns, and gorging ourselves on barbecued whatever? How about this?

Why don’t we celebrate the independence of our “one nation” by staying “under God”.

No one can be sure that our country is more or less loved or blessed by God than any other. But I personally feel that we, as a nation, have been especially blessed by God. When Israel stayed under God, He stayed over them. This nation was founded “under God” and I believe He has blessed us for it.

Every one of us wants freedom. From the time we are toddlers we want more and more freedoms. We want to be in charge of us. And we can, as long as our personal freedoms are “under God”. And even better than that, when we are free in Christ, no one can enslave us any longer. Nothing can rule over us. You can lock me up but I can be as happy as I choose wherever I am. You can not jail my spirit. You can kill those I love, but in Christ, we will reunite. You can kill me, but in Christ I can even find comfort there.

“therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed”

Never has there been a more true statement. Never has there been a more comforting statement. When Christ has freed you there is no force in this world that can take that away from you. When Christ has freed you, it is of little matter where you live, or how well or poorly you live. When Christ has freed you the things of this world become less and less important.

Who cares if I am in jail when heaven awaits me? Why should I be depressed about a body that is slowly getting weaker and older when there is a new one that awaits me? Why should I fret about money when I shall have everything I need and more in my next life?

My next life. It has a science fiction sound about it. But there is nothing of fiction about it. Christ has set me free. The bindings of this life can not hold me. The governments of this world are only temporarily in charge. I come under them as long as they are “under God”.

I am one man, under God, undividable, filled with liberty and justice that is available to all through the freedom of Christ.

So tomorrow, celebrate. Celebrate freedom as you have never celebrated it before. True freedom. Yours forever. In Christ.
