Summary: Life can be like being lost in a Maze but the Bible is the key to find the way out.


I went to a stately house recently and had a walk around the beautiful gardens. They were at their best with the flowers in full bloom. At one end of the gardens there’s a Maze and visitors are invited to see if they can find their through it. Of course it’s easier said than done. It’s much easier to enter it than to get out! I had to retrace my steps several times to find the way out.

This got me to think of the journey through life. Every day we read in the Press of people who find themselves in the Magistrate’s Court because they’ve broken some law, but it’s not only those who are caught, because all of us, whether young or old, have failed to keep the most important law of all – that’s God’s Law. The Bible tells us that “we all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6). It’s like I did in the Maze, took a wrong turning.

Well, how did I find a way out. There are some huge mazes with high hedges and people have taken hours in finding a way out! Fortunately, the Maze I went to isn’t a very big and it was possible to look over the rows of hedges to see an opening.

What you really need if you’re stuck in a maze is a plan. You find out where you are and then can see which way to take to escape from your imprisonment. Life can be like that but God has given us a great deal of help if we’ll only take it. What do you think it is? It’s the message of the Bible.

Some people think the Bible is a dusty, out-of-date piece of ancient literature that belongs to an era long past, but they’re wrong. The Bible is still relevant for people today. Why? Because it’s a unique source of vital information from God our creator to us.

The Bible’s message is the key to life – Jesus said, “I have come that they (that’s us) might have life and have it to the full” (John 10.10). It’s the Highway Code to life. It tells me what I can do and what I can’t do. We come under the authority of the Bible. Why? Because it comes from God (2 Timothy 3.16). He’s our creator and He knows best.

The Bible is also like a map. It’s my Perry’s Guide to find my way in life, it’s a guide to life. Remember the words of the psalmist, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a guide to my path” (Psalm 119.105). But best of all, it tells us of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to Earth to be our Saviour if we’re willing to put our trust in Him.

If you’ll do that, you’ll have a sure guide through the maze of life.

(Picture of a Maze: media/maze.jpg )