Summary: Is your faith worth dying for?

Worth Dying For

Philippians 1:20-26

September 11, 2005


Four years ago the clear skies of New York, Washington D.C. and rural Pennsylvania were pierced by hijacked airplanes and a diabolical plan to pierce the soul of our nation. One year ago we woke up from our dreaming and found ourselves living in a nightmare. One year ago we watched as planes become missiles, icons were reduced piles of rubble, lives were lost and hearts were broken. One year ago we watched as our false security was shattered and millions were drawn back to God in masses only to leave Him once the crisis was over.

Four years ago, we realized how very fragile life truly is and we were given a reminder of the things that mattered. We hugged our kids and grandchildren a little tighter. We told our spouses that we loved them a little more often. We prayed to God with a little more sincerity. We were given a wake up call from the pits of Hell only to allow Satan to lull us back to sleep. Life is not the same as it was on September 12th because we are more like we were on September 10th.

On September 11th, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives at the World

Trade Center, the Pentagon and in rural fields in Pennsylvania. It was the most devastating attack ever to happen on American soil, carried out by 19 cowards who killed in the name of religion.

One thing does stand out about those 19 men, they were willing to die for what they believed in. Did you know that since September 11th Islam is the fastest growing faith in the United States? When people were asked why they joined Islam, the overwhelming response: they will die for their faith.

Radical commitment, even to a false religion, draws people. This is why the church grew so much in the early centuries because it truly meant something to be a Christian. We have so watered down Christianity that it no longer means much to claim to know Jesus.

A recent survey showed this fact. People dislike church and Christianity

• Do not see demonstration of power

• Do not see changed lives

• Do not see a different belief system

The conclusion is that Christians do not believe that their faith is worth a change in lifestyle or a deep commitment.

Do you have a faith worth dying for? Does Jesus mean enough to you that you would lay down your life for Him?

20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. 25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, 26 so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.

1. Christ needs to be exalted

The meaning of exalt

The word exalt literally means to amplify, to enlarge or to magnify. Let’s be honest, Jesus already has the name above all names and the highest place in the universe. How can we do anything to increase the name of Jesus?

The Greek word used means to manifest to an extraordinary degree. We are to live our lives to the utmost for Christ. We cannot increase His name but we can increase our devotion to Him. Paul is saying that we are to strive for a deeper walk with Jesus and by doing so we magnify Him in our own lives.

Living to Exalt Jesus

Paul said that he wanted to exalt Jesus in two key ways.

1.) In his body - This means that Paul wanted to honor the name of Jesus by the way he conducted himself. In other words, he wanted to honor Jesus through his lifestyle.

2.) In his witness - Paul says that he wanted sufficient courage. The Greek word literally mean the boldness to speak. Paul had the desire to honor Jesus by sharing the love of Jesus with other people.

Living in the light of eternity

There is a dual aspect to our lives: we live here on earth with a focus on eternity. Our lives are meant to be lived with the understanding that eternity is what counts. This world is not your home. One day we will all enter into eternity and take our place at the heavenly home that Jesus has prepared. When you die, you are simply going to where you’ve always belonged. You go home.

2. Life is meant to be lived

The difference between life and existence

There is no possible way to truly express what belief in Christ does to a person’s life. When Jesus enters into a persons life, they cannot remain the same.

Life without Christ is not living, it is just being alive. There are so many people going through the routine of existence that they miss out on living. They get so busy searching for something to fill their emptiness that they completely miss the true meaning of life.

Mere Christian existence

Once Christ enters into a persons life they can truly experience life. Let me ask you a hard question: are you really living out the life that Christ has given to you or are you just going through the motions.

There is a massive difference between living the Christian life and just doing a bunch of Christian “stuff”. We sometimes become so busy being active in the church that we miss out on the deeper realities of walking with Christ. We sometimes become so comfortable with our Christian routine that we miss out on truly knowing Christ

Life is a precious gift from God

Each day that you are able to live is a gift from God and should be cherished. What are you doing with your life? What are you doing for the Kingdom?

When you live your life for Christ, nothing else matters. He becomes your #1 priority. Nothing else even comes close. Does Jesus have first place in your life?

It is impossible to serve Jesus and have other things take His rightful place in your life.

• Family life - Placing your family before God

• Work life - Placing an emphasis on what you do instead of who you serve

• Church life - Placing your faith in religion

Jesus is the source of true life - I Am Statements

I am is always a direct reference to Jesus being God. Draws back to God speaking to Moses at the burning bush.

• Bread of life (John 6:35)

• The Good Shepherd (John 10:11)

• Resurrection (John 11:25)

• The way, the truth and the life (John 14:6)

3. Death does not need to be feared

Death is a reality of life

Paul was in prison and was facing the possibility of death. The words he writes to the Philippians take on new meaning when we understand this fact. Paul’s desire was to make Jesus known by everything said and done.

Paul understood his situation with a proper perspective. If he were to go on living, then he would be able to continue his work for Christ. If he were sentenced to death, he would go on to be with Jesus. We too are given a win-win situation. The worst thing that this world can do is kill us. If we die, we go on to be with Jesus. If we live, we get to serve Jesus.

Our attitude ought to be one of victory. If death can’t even defeat us, nothing can. Remember what Paul writes later in this same letter. “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” There is nothing in this life that can ever defeat us. Start walking in the victory that Jesus bought at the cross.


C.T. Studd, the famous English cricketer and member of the English XI cricket team, gave away his vast wealth and became a missionary a century ago. His slogan was, "If Jesus Christ be God, and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for him. C.T. Studd.

Jesus gave His life for us, how can we do any less? Do you have a faith worth dying for? Is your all given over to Jesus? Are you living for Jesus with a radical commitment?