Summary: Jesus calls us to follow Him.

Once in every lifetime something happens on the world stage, which shapes the course of human events. It seems we have lived a lifetime in four years: September 11 and the Tsunami in Asia and Hurricane Katrina for us, have given us more than any one generation should endure. Four years ago today a rock was dropped in the pond of this world whose ripples are as large today as they were then. Consider for a moment what was set in motion by the terrorist attacks of that day: Our nation’s capital was attacked. Over 3000 people lost their lives. The Manhattan skyline was irrevocably changed. The financial trade center for 150 nations was completely destroyed. The world’s economy was greatly tested.

We waged a war against the Taliban in Afghanistan. But, a long-standing almost invisible war is being fought, and will be fought for years to come around the world. Now consider for a moment what has been set in motion from Katrina: Unknown Thousands have lost their lives and families. 90,000 square miles of the United States was destroyed. 160,000 homes destroyed. 1 million US citizens have been displaced.

6000 hospital beds were cut off from a major city. 80% of New Orleans was flooded. Thousands of children are attending schools in other states. 100,000 Military, Coast Guard, and Policemen have been deployed. Stressed to human limits, two policemen committed suicide. That’s the big picture and it says nothing of the tens of thousands of people here and abroad whose lives were changed. Try to calculate the human toll emotionally and spiritually and you cannot. Only God can weigh such matters. But we try in feeble ways to understand. Events like 9/11 and Katrina raise fundamental questions. Why is there so much evil in the world? Why does nature so overwhelm us and destroy our lives. Why do innocent

people suffer? The question always gets asked: Where was God on September 11, 2001? Where was God when 280,000 perished in the Tsunami? Where was God on the morning of August 29th?

Who will you follow? Luke 5:1-11

We find in the Bible that there were many who followed Christ. The reasons for following Him were many. There were some who were so thrilled that they found Christ they went and brought their friends. In His first year there were some who would follow Him for a while and then leave but return. They were what we would call spare time disciples. Some of these were fishermen which came to a full faith. In this passage today we find Jesus calling these fishermen. This was Not their first call, however, recorded in JN 1:35-42; nor their second, recorded in Mt 4:18-22; but their third and last before their appointment to the apostleship. That these calls were all distinct and progressive seems quite plain. How many times has Christ called to you before you have become totally His?

1. Jesus came to the place where they were.

a. Jesus did not avoid people but came to them in many places. He was not content like

May today who sit in church and say let them come to us? He went out to the lake with the

Wind blowing in His face and sun beating down on him. When we go out we can not expect

All to be good but find conditions that test us. He stood there to speak to let people know about the love of God. Who are you going to see to let them know about the love of God?

b. Jesus came to a people who were busy. Did you know that back in the 1960’s there was talk about all the time saving devices that were coming into being that by 1985 we would have the machines doing so much of our work that we would only have to show up for work for 22 hours a week. Guess what it did not happen and many today put in more than 40 hours a week. When Jesus found these men they were busy washing their nets. This was done by hand and needed to be done if they wanted to have a good business. This tells us that God is looking for people who are not lazy but want to and do work. Rom. 12:11

Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically. To be apathetic is a sin MT 25:26-30. A “I don’t care” attitude is not a virtue of a Christ follower. Jam 4:17 ‘Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.” I have found in life we take time for what we think is important. As a boy when my mother would ask me to do some work around the house I would say I am just to tired or do not have the time. In the next few minutes if one of my friends called and said “Let’s go play ball,” my body was resurrected and I was bounding out of the house. What made the difference? My attitude because it was something I wanted to do. How are we spiritually speaking? Do we love to read the Bible? Do we have to take time to pray before we do other things? Is Church so important that all the things don’t matter I have to be here to worship God? Being lazy or making excuses will not stand before God and keep us from God’s best. Our attitude can keep us from growing to be like Christ and hinder God’s church from growing.

2. Jesus treated people as persons that were important.

a. He got in the boat and preached to the people who gathered around. He took a simple boat and made it useful for God’s purpose. He uses simple things that are totally given to Him. He can use you if you give yourself to Him completely.

b. Jesus knew the need and he told Peter to go out into the lake and let down the nets.

c. Peter had a problem that he told to Jesus. We have been fishing all night and caught nothing. He was maybe saying there are no fish out there and it would not make any sense to go out there into the lake. He had a problem and turned it over to Christ. The reason some people do not have peace today is because they have problems but they do not think Christ really wants to help them with them so they carry them. Peter gave Jesus the problem and then obeyed Christ who knew how to solve the problem.

d. Because he obeyed it says they caught more fish than they could handle. That is why I serve Christ for He is always able to give me more than I deserve. How about you?

e. What we do blesses others. They had to call their friends to help them carry in the fish. When God blesses others also get blessed beside us. We live in a world of greed but Christ shows us that we can give and His blessings will fall on others. Both boats were filled. What a joyous scene when all around us are blessed and happy.

f. Because of whom Jesus is it causes one to know who they are. Peter realized in was in the presence of a holy on and needed forgiveness. Jesus loves us so much that he is able to take the guilt of our sin and we are free to live. Peter was astonished with Christ.

3. Jesus sets people free.

a. Peter was bowed down in fear. His fishing days were to be replaced by the work that Jesus would have him do in bringing people to him.

b. There was a great cost for it says they forsook all and followed Him. They left their good paying jobs, homes, family and friends. All that had been secure around them they left to follow a man who did not promise them house, lands or money but a purpose that would take all they could give in their lives.

TODAY: In the face of this recent tragedy, I am reminded of the following... God hears the cries of His children even in the midst of the wind. God catches the tears of His children even in the midst of the storm. God allows each one of us to choose whether or not to follow Him. Our choice will some day have life or death consequences. As Christians we are called. We can not sit back and do nothing. Some are called to go Some are called to give. Some are called to pray. Everyone is called to do something. Will you answer the call? Today prayers have been raised. Prayers for rescue, for relief, for comfort. Yet He has heard each one as if it were. The only sound in the universe. Today tears have been shed. Tears for those lost; tears for those saved. Yet He has caught each one and placed it. In a bottle marked with the name of His precious child. Today souls have faced the gates of eternity. Some, long ago given the choice, turned Him away. Today those souls stood pleading, "Lord, Lord." And He, with a broken heart answered, "I know you not." Today we have been given a challenge. No, not a challenge; an opportunity. To make a difference in someone’s life. To be the living, breathing hands of Christ. And we must remember that His hands are never idle. Sandy Moffett

Now we appeal to you that you hear the voice of Christ today that says “Follow Me”. You have to make that choice. No one can force you to follow Christ. It will cost you. You will have to let go of you selfish desires and plans. To follow Him means you have to give your all to Him. To follow Him means you must be determined to follow Him all the way.

Christ calls you. It is your choice. If you say no to him then your life will be one that is following after sin, self and Satan. Who will you follow?