Summary: Mother is the representative of God sharing timeless wisdom. Women generally represent the nature of God.

Mother – Teacher of Wisdom

Proverbs 1:1-9

Well here we are on Mother’s day, probably one of the most sentimental days of the year for most people. Some find elation and joy over the excitement of the day. For others there is a feeling of sadness because of lost or broken relationships. I really feel sorry for the people have had bad experiences and I hope that they are a very small minority in life.

Today is the day that the most people will call or go to where mother is and check in for a few minutes. Even if it is only within an individual heart. It is a day with a strange combination of joy and guilt.

This morning I want to start with a little game so to speak. I would like for my mother to come up…So she won’t be embarrassed I would like to make this more like an expert panel.

Would X and Y please also come and serve on this panel. In this little quiz there are not any right or wrong answers so don’t get stressed over that. All we are doing is comparing what you heard from your mothers in the past or perhaps have said yourself as you passed down wisdom to your family.

Here is the way it works, I am going to start a situation and start a sentence and let one or all of you finish it.

1. Anytime were going out she would remind you:

Put on clean …… ……………(Underwear)

WHY? ……………… (In case you get into an accident)

2. At home in the evening, sitting or laying in the floor:

Don’t sit too close to the ….. (Television)

Why? …………………………… (It’s bad for your eyes!)

3. At the supper table you hear…

Clean your …….(plate)

Why? (There are starving children in India, Africa (insert Favorite),

who would love to eat that.)

4. If I asked, Mom Can I go to Vince’s, Billy somebody’s houses she would say

ASK ….. (your father.)

Will you please let out panel of experts know that we appreciate their participation? (Little Gift) EXTRA FLAG on MOM”S

It is her Birthday and I have already embarrassed her enough.

Most of us learned directly from our mothers how to interpret many different situations. We learned from words of wisdom that were often given to us like test questions.

Let me share some of the wisdom that my mother shared with me:


"If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can’t go to the store with me," as well as, "If everyone else jumped off a cliff would you do it too?"


"If you don’t stop crossing your eyes or making that face, they’re going to freeze that way."


"If you don’t pass your spelling test, you’ll never get a good job!"

(boy as she right)

The world is full of possibilities Like TIME TRAVEL…

If you don’t stop that (Insert any irritating thing)

I am going to knock you into the middle of next week!

taught me TO deal with stressful situation

"What were you thinking? Answer me when I talk to you... Don’t you talk back to me!"

taught me COMPASSION...

"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don’t come running to me."

taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT...

"If you don’t eat your vegetables, you’ll never grow up big and strong.

taught me about GENETICS...

"You are just like your father!" (Thanks dad)

taught me to think about my ROOTS...

"Do you think you were born in a barn?"


"When you get to be my age, you will understand," or, "I will explain it all when you get older."

My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION...

"Just wait until your father gets home."

My mother taught me about RECEIVING...Or Perhaps about KEEPING PROMISES

You are going to get it when WE get you home!

And the all time favorite thing my mother taught me - JUSTICE

"One day you will have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you.

Then you’ll see what it’s like! I can’t wait!"

( I can’t imitate the little laugh that goes with that one that was so effective and scarry.)

I think this is the secret hope for every mother…that history will repeat itself. The bad if it’s not too bad and the good because they want the very best for us.

For years when my parents seem to have enjoyed witnessing their prophesies have come to pass. When they are with us and the kids act up in public. They look at each other and just give a high 5. Sort of a celebration of seeing prophesy come true.

A small enjoyment of the moment when I and finally understanding the wisdom they offered so may years ago.

Now, there is one thing that we all share this morning. We all have mothers; everyone in here is the child of someone.

The first thing we have to recognize is that every one of us has a different situation.

Some in here may have been adopted or were separated from a parent for a variety of reasons.

So this morning our celebration of mother is not restricted to just our biological mothers.

We are celebrating the love and nurture we have received from the women in our lives. I hope each and every one of us recognizes and is able to celebrate that people took a personal selfless interest in our lives. Sometimes they are younger than us but offer us so much.

All too often we narrow the focus of mother say to just the biological and forget the school teachers, the aunts , the neighbors and good friends that touched us as our mothers should.

Somehow we can take for granted all that they have done and we have left them un-thanked…I am afraid that our biological mothers would receive a lot less attention if there were not an official day set aside.

Today we celebrate the wisdom and love that God supplies to each of us through the women in each of our lives.

Our scripture this morning is from the very first chapter in the book of proverbs. It is credited to Solomon – Son of David.

It starts with a definition for the complete book… A definition of how it is to be used.

“for attaining wisdom and discipline;”

Wisdom is different from knowledge. Knowledge knows how to light a match, wisdom knows that you don’t play with matches because you could burn the house down.

Discipline is accepting both knowledge and wisdom and living a better life.

for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair;

The wisdom in the book of Proverbs is to help the reader to understand the value of basic wisdom of life. we might say good common sense.

Just to know the rules for getting along in life. Sounds like mom telling me how to get along in the family.

The next little section - for giving prudence to the simple,

Simple, that describes me. I need the explanations to be plain and simple so I can understand. Then to all the young people to receive knowledge and desirnment

let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance- for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise.

The scripture is telling us that every body can learn something from scripture; even the wisest person can learn something useful.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Knowledge starts with a basic fear of God. Fearing God does not mean that I run around in circles frightened to death of God. It means I understand the difference between myself and God.

My power and knowledge compared to His.

Fear of Atlanta traffic is a good thing. However, if you let it make you crazy your worst fears will come true.

Fear of God is the same way. It is healthy to understand our place. It lets us be watchful of the conditions and hopefully adapt our driving, so that we can react as safely as we can.

Not being afraid of Atlanta traffic makes you a fool and it may even make you a part of the bigger problem.

Now we come to the focus of our scripture this morning.

8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.

I think most of you will recall that in Ex 20:12 one of the 10 commandments says to Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

The interesting point is that it does not say when you are young.

It does not define any age limit for the child nor does it set an age limit of the parents.

It does not specify the age of the parents even, so there is never time when a person can dishonor their parents.

Which I think means even if they have already passed on to be with God. Your father and mother are always your parents as long as we are on the earth. That means no dishonor is acceptable to God.

Dishonor doesn’t mean always obeying just because they say so… .It is about ongoing respect for the live and wisdom offered by God through them.

One of the things that lives on in this world is the wisdom that has come down through the ages. People still study ancient philosophers because their teaching is still valid today. We read the Bible because the stories and morals are still valid to us today.

When ever a mother biological or spiritual shares a piece of wisdom they are honoring the values and knowledge and generation that came before.

Proverbs reminds us of the value of that knowledge and how it will benefit us.

9 They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.

The knowledge that we take to heart and find value in will make us look good. It will keep us out of trouble.

God blesses people through the people that hare them selves with us. That listen to our problems, or pain and heal the boo boos of life. Women exhibit the nurturing character of God.

Think about this:

When mom reminds us about clean underwear it is has a deeper reminder that this is an uncertain world and you always need to be ready.

When reminded not to sit too close to the TV it offers both the physical reminder of our eyes but, perhaps the deeper reminder is to the information provided which affects our outlook and values.

When mom told us to clean our plate we are being reminded to be grateful for what we have. That some people really do suffer because they have less or nothing. It discourages waste and greed and promotes thinking outside ourselves.

Finally, when you were told to go ask your father, what normally happened? His answer was go ask your mother most of the time.

It could be really frustrating knowing that you are completing a circle. But you know …it actually was really good advice.

Perhaps, when you think of the bigger picture you should be taking the questions of what to do to higher level.

Asking our heavenly father where all the true knowledge comes from.

My mother’s "proverbs," her teachings and brief quotes of bits of wisdom are like a wreath on my head; they are like an ornamental necklace.

I am grateful for "the things my mother said. They helped me to grow up big and strong, to have an understanding or right and wrong and get along with people.

This morning I have a chance to say thank you to my mother. And I have the added benefit of having a moment to offer the same to all of you other ladies of wisdom in my life.

I hope that you are able to take a moment and thank God for the women in your life and hoe God has touched you through them

Happy Mother’s Day!

All Glory be to God!