Summary: The real secret to how the church gre so successfully - the Holy Spirit!

If we’re honest with ourselves, sometimes, coming to church can be a little bit depressing. Here we sit in a sanctuary designed clearly designed for hundreds, and yet we probably aren’t much more than 10. Once upon a time, this church was the leading church of our association – we even started it! But that’s no longer the case. Even worse, we live in a country that was formed by our greater church, and yet when we hear about Congressmen literally well-stocked with cold, hard cash, we wonder what went wrong. When we learn of entire families, like the one in Indianapolis, executed in their homes with assault rifles, its fair ask, ‘Where is the church?’

Well, we shouldn’t despair. You see when we look around, we may only see 10, but we are part of a larger inheritance. Just within this association, there are thousands who are worshipping the same God we do, praying to the same God we do, begging him to preserve his planet just a little longer. And you and I both know that we love a God who listens!

But I should tell you, it’s not just 10 or even a few thousand who crying out to this good God this morning. In the United States alone, there are nearly 15 million Southern Baptists doing the same thing. There are nearly 10 million other Baptists loving the same God we do, praising his name and calling for revival. Indeed, there are nearly 100 million of us, worshipping in churches without any formal organization. (Ok, I wanted to say without any organization whatsoever, but that might be a bit unkind.)

But I don’t want to leave you thinking that its just Baptists, because our God has given us a far greater inheritance than that. There are nearly a billion people who claim to be Protestant Christians, and more who are part of the Roman Church. That’s more than 2.1 billion people, calling on the name of Christ on any given day. If a space alien, were come down to this planet and randomly select three people, chances are one of them would be Christian. If you want to include Muslims, who claim that Jesus is a prophet, the odds jump to one in two.

From a church of just 11, Jesus’ name has certainly spread.

This morning is the birthday of the church. It’s the feast of the Pentecost – literally the feast of first fruits. The harvest is just beginning; there is a long season of growth of and ripening ahead of us. If Easter was the seed of our faith, this morning represents the first bud.

The account we read is the birth rite – the right birth of our Church. Jesus had ascended into heaven, and the disciples were eagerly waiting what came next. That morning, a rush like no other blew through their midst. Tongues of fire rested on them. They spoke in languages they had never studied.

The Spirit had come. In just one morning, their little band of 11 expanded to nearly 3000. It’s like little Long Branch had become a mega-church overnight. The growth was explosive. It was fast, furious, and unquestionably the work of God.

For 300 years, this little bad of slaves and other downcasts were persecuted. But somehow, they grew. When Christianity became legal under Constantine, it had grown into a force that changed empires. Only 100 years after that, it was the only religion in the entire Empire.

In the 1500s, when the church had lost sight of who it was, God raised up men and women in an instant. Entire countries turned to reform in a matter of months. The spirit can ignite quickly!

I would probably not be called a Pentecostal, nor Charismatic. But you should know this about them. At the beginning of April, 1906, there was no such thing as a Pentecostal movement. And yet, on that day just 100 years ago, God decided to do something. In a little house on Asuza Street in Los Angeles, the spirit rushed in just like it had 1900 years before. Now, less than 100 years later, there are over 350 million Christians who directly their church to that.

Would that be an amazing thing to see here in Halfway? Wouldn’t you just love to know the secret of their success? For that matter, don’t you want to know what it has been throughout history that has caused little seeds to burst into bloom?

Well, if I knew the whole recipe, let me promise you first I’d tell it to you, then I’d write a book and get awful darn rich. I don’t know how the Spirit does it – he’s God, I’m not.

But I do know a little bit about the ingredients, and so I want to share with you two parts of the puzzle – two points of power that would help us to see that amazing growth starting here.

The first one is an observation about pretty much the whole of Acts, and frankly for most of church history. You see, we want to think that it was Peter or Paul, and they were effective men, but the truth is, they were just reapers. By and large, most people who came to the church did so as the result of a one-on-one relationship.

Peter came to Christ because his brother simply said, ‘Come and See.’ The Ethiopian Eunuch came to Christ because Phillip simply opened the scriptures. It’s as simple as this – testimony. What has Jesus done in my life?

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Oh yeah, Long Branch. We do not like testimony. We do not like getting up and telling our story. We’re a church full of introverts. And that is completely true.

Well, I know you think that since I’m a preacher that somehow I have some special gift. Well, I do – preaching is clearly a gift that Spirit gives. If you read Corinthians its clear. But what’s equally clear is that that gift is given to everyone. We are all called to preach. Some of us just use words.

I read a story about the president of Emory University. He got on a plane, and sat down and saw a man reading a Bible. Here’s the president of a Christian university, and even he admits, he was dreading what could have been two hours with a religious nut. But all that happened was that the guy kept reading his bible. He was taking notes and taking it all in. For two hours, he was intent on that book. They didn’t talk about Christ, but that guy’s testimony was obvious – this book had a lot to offer.

You see testimonies aren’t always delivered on a stage – they’re given only on the platform of individual relationships. It’s as simple as one beggar telling another where there’s food.

So, why is it that we have so much trouble calling up our neighbors and saying, “Hey! I’ve found something you might want too?” Now I’ll admit, I’m afraid. I’m not very comfortable talking one on one about things that are important. I’m afraid I might be inconveniencing my friends. I’m afraid that don’t want to be bothered. I’m afraid of rejection.” But you don’t need to worry – its not you they are rejecting.

Now, on a practical matter, I can tell you that learning to give your story – your testimony – it’s probably a bit easier if you’ve done a little bit of preparation. Peter reminds us that we should always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us. That’s a testimony.

If you aren’t able to take out a single piece of paper and write out your testimony, I’d encourage you to do so. Pretend you’re in an elevator, going up 10 floors. That’s probably about the amount of time you’d have to tell someone why Jesus is important to you. And honestly, if you can’t do it in that amount of time, it’s fair to wonder if he is.

Very simply put you should be able to describe three things: What you were like before you know Christ; How you found Christ; and, How is life better now that you know him.

I know that so many people wish they dramatic testimonies and compelling stories, but that shouldn’t be a barrier. You know my story – I grew up in a Christian household, and really can’t remember living that raucous life of sin every one talks about.

All I know is that after school, I drifted away from Christ, his word, and his church. I wasn’t on a highway to hell, I was just drifting. I wasn’t going anywhere. Life lacked any purpose. And then, I heard just two words, ‘Come home.’ Ever since, I have found that Christ has filled my life and given it meaning. I know that he loves me, even more than Susan loves me, or I love Jonathan and Rachel. I grew up.

And that leads me to the second secret. You really don’t need to worry about how compelling your story is, because, guess what: It isn’t really you. You are no more ‘winning a soul’ than a farmer is ‘growing the corn.’ I know we talk about raising crops, but let’s face it. All we really do is plant and harvest.

Earlier we read that we don’t need to worry about what we’ll say, because it is that same Spirit – the Spirit of Pentecost – that is giving the growth. Obviously, a little organization is helpful, but if you’ve heard some of the testimonies I have, you’d know, it ain’t them! It is the Spirit using everything and everyone to call others to himself.

You may get discouraged. You may not feel anything – you may not even be able to see the growth that is occurring. But that doesn’t matter.

Remember, Pentecost is just the first fruits. The harvest isn’t done. It’s only designed to be a taste – a taste of the power that is to come.

“My” preaching


– Pentecost as the church’s birthright

– explosive growth at the outset

– explosive growth continues (Africa)

– but there is bad news too… (Europe, US)


– Not the professionals, but one on one testimony

– I know we’re a church of introverts…

– What do we fear?

- Persecution? Rejection?

- That we’ll inconvenience someone?

- That we won’t “succeed”, that we don’t know the secrets


– Two Secrets:

- Know your own testimony (practical)

 Cf. 1 Pet 3:15

 Be able to say it (elevator pitch)

 Live it (Guy on the plane)

 Preach the Gospel at all times, when necessary use words

- Know who is actually doing the speaking

 Matt 10:16 don’t worry about what you will say…

 You are filled up with the Spirit

 Don’t look for the feeling, but the fact

– Growth will come in God’s time. It’s our birth rite, and our mandate

Illus: Just look at Peter. (He fit in when it was said, ‘Not many of you were…)

Long Branch Baptist Church

Halfway, Virginia; est. 1786

Pentecost Sunday June 4th, 2006

Enter to Worship

Prelude David Witt

Invocation Isaiah 52:3; 5-10;12b

*Opening Hymn #2

“Come Thou Almighty King”

Welcome & Announcements

Morning Prayer

*Praise “Spirit of the Living God” #136

“Go Tell it on the Mountain” #82

*Responsive Reading [See Right]

*Offertory Hymn #288

“Tell the Good News”

Offertory Mr. Witt


Scripture Acts 2:1-24; 37-40


“The Secret of Testimony”

Invitation Hymn #265

“God of Grace, God of Glory”


Congregational Response

May the grace of Christ of Savior / And the Father’s boundless love

With the Holy Spirit’s favor / Rest upon us from above. Amen.

* Congregation, please stand.

Depart To Serve


Are you jealous for my sake?

I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them all!

Then he asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”

“O Sovereign Lord,” I replied, “only you alone know.”

Then he said to me, “Testify, Prophesy to these bones and say,

‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord!" "I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you.

I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.

And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations.

Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, even your young men will see visions.

In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants—men and women alike.

Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as serpents and harmless as doves.

But beware! You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers.

But this will be your opportunity to tell the rulers and other unbelievers about me. When you are arrested,

Don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time. For it is not you who will be speaking—it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. But always be ready to answer for the hope that is in you.

The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. Even when we know not how to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.

And we also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?

If God is for us, who can ever be against us?

- Num 11:29; Ezek 37:3-4; 36:26-27; Joel 2:28-29; Matt 10:16-20;1 Pet 3:15; Rom 8:26; 23; 31