Summary: this sermon teaches about what it means to be called a Disciple of Jesus.

Called to be His Disciple

Luke 5:1-11


A. Sometimes as you read through and study the Bible you find those extraordinary “Calls” by God with people:

- Adam and Eve, Gen. 3:9, “The Lord called to the man, ‘Where are you?”

- Gen. 6; God calls Noah to build an Ark and prepare for His judgment.

- Gen. 12, The Lord called Abram to leave your country, your people … and go to the land I will show you.” I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you…”

- Ex. 3, God calls Moses through a Burning Bush.

- Joshua 1:6, God calls Joshua to be strong and courageous because he will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers.

1Sam. 3, The Lord calls Samuel 3 times in the night until Eli finally realizes that it is the Lord and so instructed Samuel in the ways of the Lord.

The Call of David - the Call of Paul on the road to Damascus.

Over and over in Scripture there are some pretty remarkable calls of the Lord on people.

But when you read these special Calls of special People to serve the Lord in special ways, it is easy to think that the Lord couldn’t or wouldn’t call us.

B. Yet, Scripture also records plenty of Special calls on ordinary people, like you and me!

Through faith in Jesus Christ we are CALLED: A Child of God, A Friend, A New Creation, A People belonging God, Joint Heirs with Jesus, the Temple of God, etc.

Another special Calling of God on anyone who trusts and confesses Jesus as their Savior and Lord is DISCIPLE!

(Turn to the person next to you and say: “You are Called to be His Disciple”)

C. Today, we don’t really use the Word Disciple that often but it is the perfect word to describe what we are called to be in the Lord.

The Word itself means to be a Learner, a follower of Jesus – but the word is always used to reflect a Learner/follower who is in relationship with Jesus!

That is the purpose of this passage today to help Peter, Andrew (probably) as well as John and James what it really means to be Called a Disciple of Jesus!

Jesus has known Peter and Andrew they have committed themselves and were followers of Jesus but now Jesus wants to teach them and us what it truly means to be His Disciple.

It means more than just a one time verbal confession to Follow Jesus – Peter had done that in John 1 (about a year ago).

It means more than just listening (or reading) the words of Jesus – that is what the crowd is doing as Jesus teaches them from Peter’s boat.

D. So what do we learn about being Called a Disciple of Jesus? What does it mean to be His Disciple?


A. A Disciple is one who follows Jesus, even when it doesn’t make sense, Vs. 4-6

- Now we already know that part of being a Disciple means to Follow. It is an essential part of being a Disciple of Jesus by following Him where He leads us.

- But the interesting point in this passage is that Jesus is teaching Peter and companions that a Disciple will follow Jesus because He says so (vs. 5b) – no matter what. Even when it doesn’t make any sense. Even if we have failed at trying before. Even if what Jesus calls us to do goes against what others might think.

- Examples of Obeying and Following Jesus: Loving others, even our enemies, Praying, Finanicially/Giving, Morally, etc.

- Called to be a Disciple means that you Follow Jesus! Are you Following Jesus today as His Disciple?

B. A Disciple is one who Partners with Others, vs. 6-7, 9-10a

- Though being a Disciple involves a personal confession of Faith to Jesus as Lord, it is not meant to be lived out alone.

- Here Jesus wants them to know that if they are going to be the Disciples that He desires they need to partner with Others.

- So Jesus blesses them, but that blessing also comes with problems (the boats are ready to sink because they are so full of fish). They need to Partner with others to participate in the success and blessings of the Lord. Peter has to call on James and John as well as His others companions to help him.

- We need One another for Support, Encouragement, Prayer, instruction, accountability and to serve together. That is why we are commanded in Heb. 10:25, Not to give up meeting together as some are in the habit but encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day (of the Lord) approaching.

- A Disciple is one who seeks the Fellowship of others and Partners with others in following Jesus! Are you committed to the Fellowship and Partnering with others in Christ?

C. A Disciple is one who Surrenders and Exalts Jesus, vs. 8

- Peter surrenders to Jesus by admitting that he is sinner and in need of Jesus.

- Peter Exalts Jesus by calling Him Lord – master, ruler.

How do we Surrender to Jesus? By confessing our sins to Him, by acknowledging our need for Him and His wisdom, by Seeking Him in prayer – by seeking His ways and not our own.

How do we Exalt Jesus? By making a confession of Faith (believing that Jesus died for our sins and lives today); by Worshiping Him regularly. By Obeying Him all things – even when it doesn’t make sense, even when it may not be popular, etc.

D. A Disciple is one who sets their priorities to Serve Jesus, vs. 10b-11

- Being a Disciple is about letting Jesus set our Priorities in life and seeking to SERVE Him by Sharing Him with others.

- Their Priorities changed – vs. 11, they pulled up their boats, left everything behind and followed Jesus.

- What is there that Jesus wants you to leave behind in order to Follow Him? How have your priorities changed because of Jesus?

- They were now going to Serve Jesus by Sharing Him with others as Jesus called them to be Fishers of Men, vs. 10

- You can’t truly be a Disciple of Jesus without a commitment to SERVE the Lord and Share Him with others.

Jesus came to seek and to Save – to Follow Him, to Obey Him means that we individually and collectively as His People – the Church, want to Share Him with others – seek to be Fishers of Men. Peter didn’t quit fishing because it was hard or even because they didn’t catch any thing at first – they went out, took the chance, risked it all as Jesus led. So it is with us as His people today.

- How are you Serving Jesus as Lord today? Who has Jesus put in your life that you need to share Him?

- How can you Share Jesus with others? A letter, a tract, an invite to church, offering to pray for them and their needs, find out what areas that they don’t understand and get them a book to read, learn more from Studying Scripture and share seeds of Faith with them.


A. There are certain things in life that I am honored to be Called: a Son, a Brother, a Friend, A Husband, A Father, a Pastor, a Christian, … and it is also a great privilege to be called a Disciple of Jesus!

You are Called to be His Disciple too!

B. What does it mean to be a Disciple of Jesus?

We will follow Him.

We will Surrender and Exalt Jesus.

We will Partner with Others

We will set our Priorities to Serve and Share Jesus with others!

How is the Lord challenging you today to live up to your Calling as His Disciple?