Summary: To show that we must turn our minds over to God and allow Him to renew them as we desire to live in holiness before Him.

-This morning I want to think about your brain

-Have you ever seen a picture of a brain?

-It’s not very pretty

-It doesn’t look very impressive

-The brain is a very vital organism to us

-It is what helps us decide what to do each day

-It is what keeps your body functioning

-Involuntary response

-It is this same brain, or mind, which, while it helps us make decisions and causes our bodies to function, our minds often lead us into temptation

-As a matter of fact, the mind can be our greatest enemy in trying to live the life of holiness that God has called us to live

-Satan knows this and attacks us on that front incessantly

-If we are prone to fall from temptation of anger, he will bring into our minds the faults of others

-If we are prone to fall from temptation of lust, he will bring into our minds images of others to entice us

-If we are prone to fall from temptation of greed, he will bring into our minds schemes of how to make money

-If we are prone to fall the temptation to smoke or drink or do something else harmful to our bodies, he will bring into our minds the thoughts of being around others who do these things

-If we are prone to fall from temptation of pride, he will bring into our minds thoughts of how good we are

-Whatever your temptation is, Satan will bring to your mind thoughts of how “good” it is

-Though those thoughts are really a lie, they seem true to us

-At least at the time

-This has led many to call the fight with temptation, “the battlefield of the mind”

-The Bible has much to say about our minds

-God knows all about Satan’s efforts in this area and has designed a plan for you to help you

-Though many do not follow Him in it

-Today, I want to speak to you about having a righteous mind

-Ephesians 4:17-24

I. The Problem

A. We all have carnal minds

-Ephesians 2:1-3

-You see, your mind desires to do evil

-It’s part of the whole sin nature within us

-You mind is inherently unholy

-The difficulty is that unholy things are going to behave in unholy ways

-You cannot truly expect your unholy mind to do anything but try to get you to do unholy things

-And usually it succeeds

-Your carnal mind fuels your sinful actions

-Our minds and hearts are linked

-Matthew 9:4

-So, a carnal mind is bound to lead to evil actions

-Why, because sinners sin, it is our nature

-Kangaroos jump

-Lions roar

-Birds fly

-Flowers bloom

-The earth rotates

B. Carnal minds lead to death

-Romans 8:6-7

-Why? Because it is enmity against God

-Enmity is simply being in a state of warfare against

-So, when we are carnally minded, we are at war with God

-We are trying to stamp it out

-Which I think can never totally be accomplished

-We are using every means available to us

-Some that are even controversial

-I say all of that to say that the reason God will not tolerate a carnal mind is because it is a sign that the individual is at war against Him

II. The Answer

-Mind renewal

-Romans 12:1-2

-The big question is, “how is the mind renewed?”

-I often read this passage and wondered, How is that done? How is the mind renewed?”

-Well, it’s done by two means

A. By ourselves

1. Taking captive evil thoughts

-II Corinthians 10:4-6

2. Concentrating on holy things

-Philippians 4:8

B. By the Holy Spirit

-This is accomplished through sanctification

1. He cleanses it

-From thoughts of the past

-We are cleansed, we are made holy through and through, including our thought lives

2. He keeps it

-From thoughts of the past

-Evil thoughts are never far from us, but they can be kept at bay by the power of the Holy Spirit

III. Practical Tips

A. Tell yourself the truth

1. Don’t coddle your evil thoughts

-They may be common, but that doesn’t make them acceptable

2. Don’t rename them

-Call a spade, a spade

-We spoke last week about how many seek to rename or reclassify sin

B. Watch and pray

-Luke 22:46

-The best, most surefire way to get rid of evil thoughts when they surface is to go to God in prayer

-Often, we try to fight them in our own mind, which is always futile

-Why do we so seldom go to the one who made us for help when we are facing an evil thought?

C. Replace the evil thoughts

-Romans 12:21

1. With scripture

a. Read it

-When evil thoughts arise, pull out the Good Book

-Not “a” good book, but “THE” Good Book

b. Memorize it

-Q: How many Bible verses can you quote by memory?

-Most can quote very few, if any correctly

-Though few would say that scripture is not important

-We are good at memorizing many things

-Sports statistics

-Movie lines

-Historical facts and figures

-Grocery store prices

2. With song

-Music is a powerful tool in the mind

-For good or for bad

-Every type of music includes elements of this -Not every song, but. . .

-It often assists with memorization

a. Listen to Christian radio

b. Purchase Christian Cds

3. With images

-Images can be very powerful

-Whether brought from sight or from imagination

-Turn off the evil TV programs, movies or internet sites and put down those trashy novels

-Replacing them with wholesome ones

-How can we expect to live holy lives when we allow our minds to be constantly bombarded by the world’s standards of how we should act?

-Allow wholesome thought to be brought to your mind through wholesome images

-Note: We will not be able to totally get rid of evil images around us

-Billboards, etc. . .

-But we can make sure we do not add to the problem

4. With ideas

-Let God begin to birth in you some holy visions for your life, holy dreams

-Rather than thinking of how to become rich, think of how to use what resources you have to bless others or help fulfill God’s plans

-Rather than thinking of how much someone else is acting ungodly, think of how you could share the plan of salvation with them

-Rather than thinking of how much someone has hurt you, think of how you could show them God’s love and kindness


-So, this morning, what kind of mind do you have?

-Is it a righteous one?

-Or has it been deluded by the devil and is used by him to fuel a lifestyle that is not all that God would have it to be?

-God wants your minds to be different than the carnal one you were born with

-The Holy Spirit is available to cleanse it

-This morning I believe there are some who just need the Holy Spirit to come and do a mighty work in their minds

-Or maybe there are some whom the Holy Spirit has done the mighty work of cleansing in, but who have not done their part to enable Him to keep it clean

-They want to commit to being faithful in their part to keep their minds centered on Christ and not the things of this world

-The altar is available for either