Summary: Learn how to live a more effective Christian life by learning what the Lord wants from us and how to have the right attitude as a disciple.

What’s one of the first things that a person asks when they come to Jesus Christ? What do I do now? How is life in Jesus different from life in the world? What does the seasoned believer ask continually: how can I live my life in a way that glorifies God continually? I think the answer to those questions can be found in Luke 17. Though it might appear as a bunch of separate stories, I think Luke is weaving for us a picture of discipleship, how to grow and mature in our relationship with our risen Savior.

Here is the statement about discipleship I see in this chapter: "Encourage spiritual growth, not sin. Extend forgiveness, have simple trust, and the heart of a servant, extend the kingdom invitation to all who have faith, and live in expectation of His return at any time, realizing that His kingdom exists now in the hearts of believers and will soon exist physically in the world."

1 - 2

Our behavior matters. You may have heard me say a number of times that we can’t make ourselves holy on our own-that’s legalism. The goal is to become like God-free from sin and reflecting His character at all times. Sin (the word means "stumbling block" but may come from "trap stick" like a bird trap) is anything that keeps you from reflecting the character of God.

God recognizes that we are in process, and that while still in the flesh there is a battle going on inside of us. Temptations will come our way to do, think, and say things that are not in concert with God’s character. But there are two things that Jesus brings up here that are key in those situations.

The first is that you should make sure you are never the source of the temptation. The word "cause" is a Greek word for causing a hindrance that causes someone to fall into sin. How does that happen? Of course there is the obvious-that is a person who you trust literally tempts you to sin. I have seen this happen even with Christian leaders who have tempted some in their flocks to do things that are of a sexually immoral nature. Don’t stand too close to those people in a thunder and lightning storm.

God takes a dim view of people who directly lead others into sin. But it can also happen sort of indirectly. If you teach something that is contrary to God’s Word, but claim it is from God, and someone acts on that knowledge, it is the same thing in my opinion, as leading someone into sin.

A millstone was a large stone piece of basalt that was placed on the ground. The upper millstone was placed on top and a donkey or old horse would pull it around in a circle as grains of wheat dropped between the stones. A small one could weigh 400 pounds. With one of those tied around your neck you would have no hope of ever surviving a drop in the sea.

5 - 6

Faith - being convinced of something based on evidence. We want to do big things so we think we need to drum up big confidence. But what we really need is big trust that God can perform it through us, and not we ourselves.

The key is John 14:12-14

John 14:12-14 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. NIV

1. Do God’s work. 2. Glorify Him - with that combination you will accomplish great things. Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

3-4 Effective confrontation when someone sins.

It’s not judgmental but helpful. Notice also how Jesus looks for repentance. When we lovingly confront someone it is for the purpose of helping them back into fellowship and effectiveness, not to push them down. Point out lovingly that the Word of God is clear about this (make sure about this too) and that God wants us to be washed and transformed. If they blow you off then God will just continue to work with them. But if they repent, then it is up to you to offer forgiveness-even if that means they sinned by hurting you!

Galatians 6:1-2 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. ESV

7-10 What do you get out of serving God?

Although this seems a little harsh it is true-we are servants and we should not expect to be lauded and praised and have warm fuzzies loaded on us and physical blessings poured on us for serving God. There are blessings, but they are both spiritual (we get more of God) and future (in heaven, not here).

Verses 11 - 19 The Lepers

14 Jesus didn’t speak to them, touch them, or even heal them outright. He said to respond in faith to what He commanded them to do. As they did that, they received healing.

15 - 16 Notice that the Samaritan leper was hanging out with Jewish lepers. In sin there is no real distinction between religious, social, or economic classes.

20 - 21 The Pharisees expected certain "signs" - namely a political take over. But Jesus says "the kingdom will not come with something you can pinpoint because it comes with Me." The Kingdom of God is anywhere that God is - Jesus when He was on earth, and His Spirit working in the lives of believers. It hasn’t come in its fullness yet - we live in the "inbetween" times. Right now it is an underground kingdom. It won’t be that way forever. So His kingdom continues on earth in the lives of His followers, but there will be a physical return for Jesus to set up a literal physical kingdom on earth. That’s what He gets to next, starting with warnings about what not to look for.

23 - 24 Until Jesus returns people will say:

He has already come back

He’s come back and "I’m Him"

He isn’t coming back at all

He’ll come back at a certain time we can pinpoint

Make no mistake: when Jesus returns it will be obvious. There is no hidden return.

25 The mission of Jesus is to suffer first, rule second.

26 - 27 Life goes on as normal. People have no sense of the danger they are in.

Noah: Genesis 6-7

Lot: Genesis 18-19

30 - 32 When Christ does come back our material possessions won’t matter anymore and either a person has accepted Him or not, there won’t be time to do anything about it once He returns. (Matthew 25:32 Sheep/Goat judgment)

34 - 36 People might look the same on the outside, but all that matters is what has happened in the heart - faith in Christ or rejection of Christ.

37 One sign of the end (one vulture) isn’t enough to signal Christ’s second coming, but a whole series of signs should make it obvious that the time is nearing. By the way, this doesn’t refer to the rapture, but to Jesus Second Coming. The verb "taken" here means taken in judgment, not "snatched away" like in 1 Thessalonians.


Let’s go back and look at our picture of the maturing disciple:

Discipleship: Encourage spiritual growth, not sin. Extend forgiveness, have simple trust, the heart of a servant, extend the kingdom invitation to all who have faith, and live in expectation of His return at any time, realizing that His kingdom exists now in the hearts of believers and will soon exist physically in the world.

Act Wisely (verses 1-2)

Love Openly (verses 3-4)

Trust Faithfully (5-6)

Serve Humbly (verses 7-10)

Seek Healing Faithfully and worship extravagantly (11-19)

Live Expectantly (20-37)