
Summary: Victory in tough times is determined by how you answer some very important questions.

Questions on the Road to Victory

Next to him was Shammah son of Agee the Hararite. When the Philistines banded together at a place where there was a field full of lentils, Israel’s troops fled from them. 12 But Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field. He defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the LORD brought about a great victory. 2 Sam. 23:11-12 (NIV)

"Courage is almost a contradiction in terms: it means a strongdesire to live talking the form of readiness to die." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

1- This chapter contains the last words of Kind David.

2- In it he magnifies God & enumerates the most valiant men who served with him and some of their deeds.

3- The story of Shammah the third of David’s “mighty men” catches the imagination and illustrates some important truth.

There are several Questions you must answer on your way to victory. (or defeat)

1- Question One: Is Anything in Your Life Worth Fighting For?

1- “Lentils” are beans. (Old Saying, “That’s not worth beans?” Meaning its not worth fighting over.)

2- These beans might have been little but they were precious because they belonged to the Lord.

3- The value of a thing is not always in its quantity or size.

1. Unborn babies, or those who life has crushed.

2. Truth – there is no such thing as small truth just as there is no “small lie”.

4- Life will teach you that you sometimes pay a big price for just a few beans! (Sin & Holiness)

5- Esau is an example of this principle. (Gen. 25:30-34)

6- At some point in life you must decide to stand for something!

7- Family? Marriage? Children? Friendships? Church? (Tell Someone - Draw the line!!!)

2- Question Two: Are You Going to Fight or Are You Going to Run?

1- You aren’t going to get by without a fight! (You can count on conflict!!!)

1. Internal Conflict- "Self"

2. External Conflict- "Outward sin"

3. Infernal Conflict- "Satan

2- Any fight worth fighting continues until there is a winner!

3- A critical fight that ends in a draw is a disaster!!

1. Freedom vs. Terrorism?

2. Creation vs. Evolution?

3. Christianity vs. Atheism?

4- Will I be an Esau or a Shammah? (Both made a great decision over “lentils”- beans)

5- If you are going to reclaim your family you must prepare yourself to fight!!!! (Tell Someone – Get Ready)

3- Question Three: Do You Have Enough Courage to take the First Step?

1- While you are busy waiting the enemy is stripping you of your most precious possessions!

2- You know the truth, now you must act on it!

3- The time for you to act is now!!!!

4- God is expecting YOU to take next step!

1. It is not the “1st step” in a real sense because He has already done that.

2. God gives you something then multiplies it when you give it back to Him!

5- If you will fight, God will give the victory!!!

6- Courage never means that you are not afraid it simply means that you control your fear!

7- We sometimes celebrate the foolishly courageous, but we never celebrate the coward!!

1- What is it that you should be fighting for instead of against?

2- Will you fight?

3- When?

I’d rather be the ship that sails,

And rides the billows wild and free,

Than to be the ship that always fails

To leave its port and go to sea.

I’d rather feel the sting of strife

Where gales are born and tempests roar

Than to settle down to useless life,

And rot in dry-dock on the shore.

I’d rather fight some mighty wave

With honor in supreme command,

And fill at last a well-earned grave

Than die in ease upon the sand.

I’d rather drive where sea storms blow,

And be the ship that always failed

To make the port where it would go

Than be the ship that never sailed.

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