
Summary: A serious heed not take your liberty in Christ to sin.Remembering to OBEY and Look ahead in the new life in Christ!

“Remember Lot’s wife!” Luke 17:32

Only important things are emphasized to be remembered. In any professional or academic studies only areas that would come up in the exams are hinted to be remembered. There certain events in your life today that is not worth remembering. Jesus is however saying remember Lot’s wife!

We all know much about Lot, Abraham’s relative. His account has been fully covered in the book of Genesis. Little has been written about Lot’s wife. Yet Jesus Christ is hinting us to remember Lot’s wife. When Sodom and Gomorrah was about to be destroyed she DISOBEYED the command that no one was to LOOK BACK. She did and turned into a pillar of salt. That was her end. With just this event Jesus then said remember Lot’s wife.

How many times have you ever been told that you shouldn’t do certain things and you kept on doing and found yourself in serious troubles? How many times have you learnt of people who perished in various accidents simply because they did not take heed to the cautions, advice and safety rules for such processes? During the past Easter holiday many lives have been lost in road accidents due to drinking and driving. Many people are stroking and dying prematurely because of worrying which will turn into stress, then hypertension, then strokes and finally death. So many habits and actions are being discouraged and vehemently rebuked, yet many are pushing their way into them. Frightening statistics on their fate have filled our news bulletins today. How many calls, heeds are you ignoring today about drinking, adultery, sin, theft, jealousy, anger, unforgiving, bitterness, lying, lust, greed, hatred, repenting, receiving Jesus Christ etc

Let me tell today!

When worrying comes; remember Lot’s wife,

When un-forgiveness hangs in you, remember Lot’s wife,

When the desire to commit adultery/fornication comes remember Lot’s wife,

When you ignore advice from friends, parents, relatives etc, remember Lot’s wife

When evil thoughts fill your mind, remember Lot’s wife,

When disobedience starts in you remember Lot’s wife.

When the desire to sin comes strongly upon you remember Lot’s wife.

When the pleasures of the world abound towards you remember Lot’s wife.

When the worries and anxieties of life lead you away from God remember Lot’s wife.

Lot and other family members safely escaped the destruction, they OBEYED, they taken heed to the command not to look back. Stop looking back at your bad past, problems, worries, sins. Jesus died for you and declared that all that is finished If only you believe in him and have received him. So look up into today with a smile, happy heart, and hopeful imagination.

Remember Lot’s wife!

God bless you!!

Written by Raphiel Manenge 29/03/05

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