
Summary: Have you ever looked at the various emotions and reactions to the resurrection of Jesus? They might sruprise you. This message deals with the emotions involved in the resurrection.

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“Resurrection Reactions”


1st Easter was very EMOTIONAL time.

· A FRIEND had just been executed as criminal.

· Roman Soldiers everywhere … atmosphere was tense & uncomfortable.

· Disciples were frightened & confused.

· Passover time … thoughts on death … sacrifices … deliverance from bondage … Roman oppression …

“Resurrection Day” OUGHT to be an emotional time. Our minds ought to be on the CROSS … AND … on the RESURRECTION of Jesus. Our minds ought to be ON … His suffering and death … paying the price for OUR SIN. Our minds ought to bee ON … His VICTORY over sin & death … RESURRECTION.

Easter is an EMOTIONAL time.

Let’s look at some of the EMOTIONS seen on the 1st Easter.

1.- ANXIETY – Mk. 16:1-3 – all turn

Some women came to FINISH anointing body of Jesus. It was done in HASTE 2 day earlier … the Sabbath was approaching … they could not work on the Sabbath.

Jn. 19:39-42 – ribbon

It was bothering Mary that the job was not finished. SO … as early as possible … set out to complete task. She didn’t want any unfinished business w/ Jesus. She wanted no regrets … no guilty conscience. She wanted PEACE in heart about His burial. She wanted everything in order when it came to her relationship w/ Jesus.

SO … she hastened … w/ ANXIETY … to finish the anointing & embalming the body of Jesus.

WHAT ABOUT … YOUR RELATIONSHIP w/ Jesus? Is there something missing? Is there anything you don’t feel at peace about? Is there some unfinished business? Some regrets? Guilty conscience? Does talking about a PERSONAL relationship w/ Jesus make you UNEASY?

WHAT IF … you were to DIE TODAY … OR … RAPTURE? WHAT IF … you were to see Jesus face-to-face … RIGHT NOW?

Would there be any REGRETS? Any UNFINISHED BUSINESS? Any feelings of GUILT? Any un-confessed SIN? Some things in your life NOT CLEANED UP?

Mary Magdalene approached the tomb full of ANXIETY. WHY? BECAUSE … she wanted NO REGRETS … no UNFINISHED BUSINESS … She wanted to make sure everything was OK between her & Jesus.

2.- FEAR – Mt. 28:2-4 – all turn

The stone was rolled away before she got there. WHY? NOT so Jesus get out … BUT … so women could see in. SO … world could see that Jesus is RISEN.

MUST HAVE BEEN an awful exp. for Roman Soldiers. They didn’t worship God … they were confronted with the awesomeness of Heaven’s power & glory. LOOK AT … their reaction & emotion – 28:4

MAYBE … that’s your emotion here tonight. ARE YOU here tonight in FEAR? PERHAPS … fear of DYING … probably went thru minds of these Roman Soldiers. PERHAPS … fear of JUDGMENT – Heb. 9:27 – “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,”

SOMEDAY … all LOST must meet Jesus at Great White Throne judgment. IF LOST … I can understand your fear of death … of the UNKNOWN beyond death’s door. I could tell you what lies ahead for you … for eternity … BUT … it wouldn’t CALM your fear … JUST … INTENSIFY it.

WHY? BECAUSE … the Lake of Fire is something to FEAR!

The soldiers were AFRAID on that 1st Easter morning. AFRAID … WHEN they met the power & glory of God. AND … so will ALL who meet Him in judgment.

3.- DISAPPOINTMENT – Luke 24:1-3 – all turn

They didn’t find what they EXPECTED. INSTEAD OF … dead body … found empty tomb. It’s HARD TO IMAGINE … BUT … they were DISAPPOINTED! WHY? They had their own pre-conceived ideas … AND … not the same as GOD’S ideas.

God had a MUCH BETTER idea! BUT … they were disappointed that things didn’t work out their way. i.e. … couldn’t finish job of anointing & embalming body of Jesus.

DISAPPOINTMENT … Do you feel like your life is a DISAPPOINTMENT? Things not worked out the way you planned? MAYBE … got same problem Mary Magdalene had … You’ve left Jesus out of your plans! IF SO … you WILL be disappointed … IF … your life is not centered around Jesus.

Jesus said MANY TIMES … THAT … He would be killed … AND … raised on 3rd day. BUT … Mary had her OWN PLANS … AND … her mind was on HER PLANS … NOT … GOD’S PLANS. SO … WHEN she couldn’t find His body … she came away DISAPPOINTED.

The RICH YOUNG RULER came away … DISAPPOINTED. WHY? BECAUSE … he left Jesus out of his life. JUDAS … disappointed … left Jesus out of life. 1 THIEF on cross … disappointed … left Jesus out. REPENTANT thief … NOT disappointed … WHY? “Today, thou shalt be with me in Paradise.”

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William Morris

commented on Apr 7, 2009

One of the best easter messages I have ever read

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