
Summary: What is the House of Prayer other than prayer without ceasing watching for the Lord?



Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (August 13, 2015)

"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch" (St. Mark 13:37, King James Version [The second coming of the Lord]).

Greetings In The Holy Name Of Jesus,

My sisters and brothers, "Lord, save me", I plead to God to save me in my dire straits, right now". I heard a woman---a pastor's wife in a baptist congregation say that it is not good to pray to Christ Jesus, for God to save, "right now" because she acted-out barely speaking her feelings---it was as if, you [I knew "you" meant "oppressed servants in the deep south of Georgia meaning of servant" not "friend" as Christ Jesus called the "free servants of the LORD---Jesus came to set the captives free for the blood of the lamb covers you right now and any time."] were telling God when to do things:

[an "uppity" posture---practicing hate on the "person" instead of

respecting the need---"Lord, save me" speaks volumes to God from

your heart the urgency of your need--the emergency situation of

your need---the right now feeling of your need. If you cried out just

the name, "Jesus" and collapsed after saying the name "Jesus" God

would still know you need Him, right now. God is not offended by

the sheer terror and right now feeling in your heart. God is pleased

to know both your mind is open and your heart is open to receive

Him---that is the greater good when you have little time and need

God's help to save you. This is not a question or debate over who is

greater the servant or the master but who is greater time or God for

we know of the servant and the master; the master is greater and

of time and God; God is greater than time; for God is master of His

servants and God of time, hence we know Christ Jesus is master of

his servants and Christ Jesus is God of time.].

---a confusion over humility and humbleness in a community where the older generation still practiced oppression---staying in your place---a deep south mentality where people sit on their roost and do things when they see fit---a haughty proud Mary view of righteousness [we know pride goeth before destruction and haughtiness goeth before the fall] and God's love---not truly knowing the depth of God's love and how He watches over us, day and night, to save us---a God who draws us near to him as we draw near to him [a Christ Jesus who taught Peter to be a fisher of men, St. Matthew 4:19, KJV],---a God who gave us His Son, Christ Jesus to hear our prayers petitions day and night---any hour. Praying, Lord, save me, right now, is just a time in any given day---even the hour of death, was ransomed (St. Matthew 20: 28, KJV ["...and to give his life a ransom for many.")---Jesus Christ paid the price and if the hour of Christ Jesus' death was paid for by the blood of the lamb then all things are possible for you---at your hour of death, even Hezakiah negotiated for time to live at his hour of death because of the hour of death of Christ Jesus made all things possible for the children of God---for those who cried out in prayer for Christ Jesus to save them in unexpected situations facing death or even expected situations facing unexpected death results. I say, Tell that to Daniel in the lion's den, tell that to Shadrech, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnance, tell that to the mothers asking the spirit of Christ Jesus in Elijah and Elishah to raise their sons from the dead, tell that to Israel who God fed manna every day for 40 years in the desert wilderness, tell that to Peter when he walked on the water with Christ Jesus that the hand of Jesus did not immediately [meaning "right now" ] catch him---save him when he fell in and when Christ Jesus immediately saved Peter, his rock---the head of the church---when he cried out, subsequently, the prayers of the church cried out and he immediately saved the church [for the gates of hell shall not stand against "the church---the bride of Christ Jesus"]:

"And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on

the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were

troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. But straightway

Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. And

Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee

on the water. And he said, Come.

And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on water,

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