
Summary: There are many who follow Jesus, but only a few who genuinely seek to live as His disciples. Let’s understand who a true disciple is, and what Jesus expects of those who are His disciples.

We read in Matthew 4:25, “Large crowds followed him. They came from Galilee, the Ten Cities, Jerusalem, Judea, and from across the Jordan River.” (GW)

Great multitudes of people followed after Jesus while He was here on earth, and there were several reasons why they did so. As we study the following passages given below, they will give us a vivid understanding as to the various reasons they thronged after Him.

The multitudes followed Jesus because…

• He had power to heal all their sicknesses

We read in Matthew 4:24, “The news about Jesus spread throughout Syria. People brought him everyone who was sick, those who suffered from any kind of disease or pain. They also brought epileptics, those who were paralyzed, and people possessed by demons, and he cured them all.” (GW)

When people brought to Jesus those who suffered with all sorts of disease or sickness, they found that He had the power to cure all of them. Jesus spoke or touched the sick, as a result of which many were healed from every form of infirmity, and delivered from demon possessions.

Hence, there was this large group that followed after Jesus whose sole purpose was to receive healing.

• He performed miracles and wonders

We read of an incident in Matthew 9:33, “Jesus forced the demon out, and the man was able to talk. The people were amazed and said, "We have never seen anything like this in Israel." (ERV)

In the above mentioned incident in Matthew 9:33, there was a man who was unable to speak, and when Jesus cast out the demon from the man, he was healed, delivered and began to talk. Often we perceive sickness as just a physical ailment, and fail to realize that these afflictions are the work of Satan. When the people saw this miraculous deliverance, and healing they were amazed in wonderment, as they had never seen anything like this being done in Israel ever before.

We also read in Matthew 9:8, “The people saw this and they were amazed. They praised God for letting someone have such power.” (ERV)

For a background to the above mentioned verse, Jesus had healed a paralytic, forgave his sins, and the man immediately got up, and walked. When the crowds saw this, here again they were amazed and praised God for the demonstration of such power through Jesus.

Here was a second group of people who followed Jesus, mainly to see the wonders He performed, and pursued after Him in amazement.

• He met their physical needs

In John 6:26 Jesus replied to them, "I can guarantee this truth: You're not looking for me because you saw miracles. You are looking for me because you ate as much of those loaves as you wanted.”

When Jesus performed the miracle of the five loaves and two fish to feed more than five thousand, there was a large crowd that followed Him simply because they had witnessed this astounding miracle of provision. When they came looking for Jesus later on, Jesus was forthright, and told them that they were pursuing Him only because they had their stomach’s filled.

We observe that this third group which followed after Jesus, did so only to have their physical needs met.

• He had power and authority

We read in John 6:15, “Jesus knew that the people planned to come get him and make him their king. So he left and went into the hills alone.” (ERV)

There was this group of people who when they realized that Jesus had divine power and authority, wanted to take him by force, and make Him their king so they wouldn’t have to be under the Roman rule. They did not seek his approval or God’s will, but wanted to force Jesus to become a king, so that they could use His divine powers for their own benefits.

This was a fourth and dangerous group of people, whose motive was completely selfish or self-centered.

However, there was a small group of followers whom Jesus specifically called to be His disciples. His invitation to his disciples was “follow me” and this call extends to all of us as well. Sadly, even today many people are still following Jesus, for healing, for the wonders he performs, to have their physical needs met, and often for their own selfish gain. All of these are also bondages that one must be set free from.

It is essential that we should live our life here on earth comfortably, be debt free, have good health, have our daily provision of food and water met, and have the Lord to be our helper. However, if we follow the Lord for the above mentioned reasons alone, we are the most pathetic people.

There’s a story told of a king who was so filled with mirth one day that he decided to call his ministers, and grant them whatever they wished for. The first man came and asked the king that the path to his house be laid well as it was rugged. His wish was granted by the king. The second man requested the king to get his house repaired, which the king also gladly did. The third man asked the king for some silver coins which was also readily given. The fourth man however, humbly told the king that he only desired that the king come and stay with him in his house for a week. The king was so overjoyed at the request of the fourth man, that he sent his servants to get the house of this man ready and fit for him to stay. What happened as a result was that the king’s servants set the path to the fourth man’s house in order, got his house furnished to host a king, gave him all the money he needed, so that he could entertain the king as he should. By desiring the presence of the king, the man not only got the king, but along with him received all the blessings that he brought as a result of him being invited.

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