
Summary: Why doesn't Jesus show us his glory today? How does Jesus strengthen my faith today?

Where does Jesus do this? Where is the mountain I can climb, where I can get a taste of heaven? The Apostle Paul once said, “We live by faith, and not by sight.” God isn’t going to dazzle our eyes with the holy light of heaven, like he did back then. God isn’t going to dazzle our ears today with his booming voice from the sky, like he did back then. Today we live by faith, and not by sight.

And so where can I go to make my faith stronger? Where I can find Jesus today? There is a place. That place is the Word. And that place is the Sacrament. There is my taste of heaven.

Do you have a hard time believing that God really forgives you and loves you? Then come to the Lord’s Table. Hear those words, where Jesus says to you that he gave his body for you and shed his blood for you. Come here, Jesus says, and I will forgive you. Here Jesus takes away your doubts. He strengthens your faith. I do love you, he says. Take and eat. Take and drink. This is my body and blood given for you and shed for you.

Do you feel like your life is out of control? That the world is out of control? Do you think God has abandoned you? Look into the Word. Come to a Bible study. Turn off that TV, that computer. Open that Bible that sits on your shelf at home. There in the Word, Jesus comes to you. He strengthens your faith. He fills your soul with his promise to be with your always. Here he promises to work everything in your life for something good. What an amazing blessing the Word of God is, that Jesus has given to us. You and I might be jealous of those disciples who saw Jesus’ glory on that mountain. But I wonder if they would be jealous of us, that we have the Old and New Testaments so perfectly organized for us to read and to use for our faith.

Lord, show me your glory! Today, Jesus shows us his glory through his Word and Sacrament. Can you see his glory with your eyes of faith? A time will come, when the curtain will finally be pulled back, and you will see the same light the apostles saw. You will hear the same voice the apostles heard. That day will come. Until then, let Jesus strengthen your faith here. And as we hear his Word, and take his Sacrament, may we also say with the Apostles, “Lord, it is good for us, to be here.” Amen.

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