
Summary: Discerning the difference between the voice of God and Satan’s. This message list six ways in which to tell the voice of God from the voice of the devil.

Discerning between the voice of God & the voice of Satan

Series: Can you recognize the voice of God?

Part 3

Text: Heb. 1:1-2


1. God has given us the Bible to test all revelation that we receive

Discerning the voice of God and the voice of Satan.

1. God speaks deep within my spirit, the devil speaks to my soul or mind

a. God alone, resides within our spirit. Satan and God cannot both occupy our spirit man at one time.

b. "But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit." (1 Cor. 6:17)

2. God’s voice is gentle and persuasive, free from pressure – Satan is loud and clamoring, always demanding an immediate response.

a. God says, this is what you ought to do - Satan screams, this is what you HAVE to do!

For us… If there is intense pressure associated with the though, reject immediately as either your own mind or a satanic ploy.

3. God’s voice produces peace and a sense that everything is under control.

Satan’s voice speaks of despair, you have missed it, all is lost…

a. I woke up one night almost in a panic. I was almost paralyzed with an abnormal fear that I was going to lose everything.

I rebuked the feeling in the name of Jesus and it went away.

b. When God told me to ride the waves, a feeling of peace settled into my spirit.

For us… When thoughts bring a helpless, hopeless, all is lost feeling, know assuredly, that is not the voice of God

4. God’s voice is always clear and distinctive, giving us clear direction in which to go. Voice of Satan perplexes, causes confusion, loss of direction…

a. "For God is not the author of confusion…” (1 Cor. 14:33)

Confusion- Literally, unrest, disorder, instability

For us… If we lack clear direction on which way to go, then wait. God does not mind waiting for his children to discern his will.

5. God tends to speak when I am seeking and listening for him. Satan breaks into our thoughts uninvited…

a. "Then shall ye call upon me, and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

And ye shall seek me, and shall find me, when ye shall seek for me with all your heart." (Jer. 29:12-13)

Roger Barrier first hand account of how this happens.

After the first three months, the church I was newly pasturing, was filled to capacity. We had space problems and no clear options. I was getting ready to preach one Sunday when the answer came. I walked to the pulpit, and on the spur of the moment I announced that God had just told me the answer to our overcrowded worship problems. He wanted us to remodel our fellowship hall into worship space.

At the close of the service, the deacon who oversaw construction of both our worship chapel and fellowship hall handed me a tape measure from the back of his truck.

"Here, I’ll loan you this for a week," he said. "Why don’t you measure. and see if God is really the one behind your proposal." He winked as he left.

So I measured the fellowship hall and discovered that it was only two feet wider and four feet longer than the chapel-hardly enough room to make remodeling worthwhile. The next Sunday I walked to the pulpit and informed the people that God had changed his mind.

Everybody had a good laugh, and I learned a lesson. Both self and Satan may inject thoughts and impressions into my mind when I’m not consciously seeking God. Both tend to speak with sudden intrusions of thoughts into the mind. But God’s voice is heard when I diligently listen for it.

For us… Don’t put much stock in thoughts that fly into your mind. If God wants you to know something, he will gently keep reminding you.

6. God’s Spirit convicts of specific sins, leaving no doubt what needs to be confessed. Satan & self speaks in generalities.

a. God says, yesterday at 3pm, you spoke unkindly to this person, etc.

b. Ever been confused when you just knw you should be confessing something and just can’t name it?

Maybe at times like that, we should just strat prasieng God for his awesome mercies.

For us… When praying, confess those specific things that come to mind.

If it needs to be confessed and repented of, the Holy Spirit will bring it before you.

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