
Summary: The 3rd sermon in my Joshua series focuses on faith when we don’t immediately see God doing anything.

Cell #3—

The Jordan River varies from 200 yards wide to nearly a mile wide during the rainy season. The crossing took place during the rainy season.

2. Why the three day delay at the edge of the Jordan? The reason lies in having time for spiritual preparation. The Lord was about to perform one of the truly great miracles & He wants the Israelites to be ready to not only witness it, but to also understand its significance. The river is swollen and surging. The miracle of crossing the river at flood stage will communicate to the people how God’s strong arm will be their Savior. (PBC)

3. I want you to notice in verse three what would lead the people as they crossed the river? That’s right, it would be the ark of the covenant. You’ve probably all about the ark of the covenant, but what was so important about it & what does it have to do with the way things are today? Good questions, I’m glad you asked. First of all let me show you an illustration of what the ark may have looked like. We don’t have actual pictures of it, because it has been lost. What we do have though, is a description of what it might look like based upon a detailed scriptural description.

Cell #4—

4. Previously God had used "the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night" as symbols of his leading, presence and protection. Now God has chosen to lead the people in a new way, by the "Ark of the covenant." The Ark represented the person of God Himself. Having it lead the way, demonstrated the fact that they weren’t attacking the well protected land of Canaan under their own power, they were following Him into the Promised Land.

Cell #5—

The ark is mentioned 16 times, in chapters three & four. It represented God and His presence. When they followed the ark it was as though they were following God Himself.

5. But then I have a question that needs to be answered. Notice that by the end of verse 1 they are at the edge of the Jordan River. So why does the next verse tell us that they wait another three days? Three days beside a raging mile wide river would be a little nerve racking when you know that you’re going to have to cross it. The answer to that question is found in verse 5. Find it in your notes and I want you to circle the words, "consecrate yourselves." This speaks of them purifying themselves in preparation for God to use them. God will use His people when their hearts are pure. Perhaps, you are thinking of Rahab, the woman we talked about last week. But I want you to notice, she had been a prostitute when she was living in Jericho, but she was changing. She married & lived a very different lifestyle from that point on. She too changed. But there is another step if we are going to have God use us. Not only is "Getting Ready for God’s Work important but there is also the matter of . . .

Cell #6—

II. Having Faith in God’s Involvement 3:13-17

1. I want you to remember the New Testament definition of faith, "the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen." I also want you to remember that the people have been camped beside the raging Jordan River now for three days when God gives the command to wade out into the river. You may remember that when Moses had parted the Red Sea, he merely held his staff over the water & God parted them. In that miracle, no one even got wet. However, this time things are going to be a little different. Not only did the water not stop before they got into the water but. . .

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