
Summary: God touches our lives with refreshing streams in the midst of our difficult times.

There will be streams in the desert—but it will be God who causes those streams to flow.


When we are hurting bad, we often approach God in prayer in the role of an advisor. We have our situation figured out. We know what needs to happen to correct our situation, so we tell God exactly what God needs to do in order to help us out. The interesting thing about this is that no matter how many times we try to be God’s advisor, God rarely listens to us.

So many times God answers our prayers in ways that come as a complete surprise. Usually this happens because we have attempted to box God in. We think that we have God figured out. Based on passed experiences, our vast theological insight, and our close, personal relationships with the Big One, we think we know exactly what God needs to do and will do. We fool ourselves. God is bigger than our thoughts and our ability to understand. God is always breaking out of the box in which we attempt to confine God. God’s movement in our lives and in our world often catches us by surprise.

Isaiah reminds the people of Israel of the greatness and power of their God with the words, “Then will the eyes of the blind be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy.” Isaiah is telling the people of Israel to expect a miracle. Isaiah’s message carries across the ages to our lives and situations—we too can expect a miracle. Our God is big enough to accomplish the miracles that are needed in our lives.


Desert Streams are signs of God’s love, presence and power. Desert Streams give us hope. We are not alone. We are in the hands of a loving creator.


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Mary Sanders

commented on Sep 6, 2006

full of grace & gospel.

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