
Summary: God s His people to have a surplus in the area of finances. If we are going to spread the message of the Gospel, we must move out of society’s wya of thinking concerning our money.

II Corinthians 9:5-15; TEXT

Ephesians 4:28


God s His people to experience surplus in the area of their finances. In these verses, we see the foundation of this principle.

During my years as a pastor, I have heard people in the congregation make this statement, “I don’t care about having extra. I don’t need money! Just enough to meet my needs!”

I. There are three problems with this mindset:

· It is a selfish attitude

“All I care about is meeting my own needs with no or ambition to be used to meet any other needs outside of my personal interest.”

° Hinders the work of God’s Kingdom on earth.

° Secular work for pastors

° No missions outreach

°Churches in debt to their creditors or unable to enlarge their territory/ministries.

Proverbs 22:7

· Defies Scriptures

°II Corinthians 9:8

“And God is able to pour out on you richly every possible grace, so that you always and under all circumstances have plenty for your own need and an abundance for every good work.” Revised Berkely Version

·Does not comply with Jesus’ ministry on earth.

°St. John 13:29

“Some had an idea, since Judas had charge of the moneybag, that Jesus said to him, “Buy what we need for the feast” or “Give something to the poor.”

°St. John 6:6-7

Jesus knew that ministry on earth would take money to accomplish. Jesus never built a worldly empire, but that does not mean He did not have money! Jesus was the greatest Giver who ever walked the face of the earth!

“It’s time the Church start following in His footsteps and believe for a surplus according to His Word!”


To have an out of the ordinary surplus, we must have an out of the ordinary Supply!

A. Money does not come from unexpected sources. There is one Source, Who utilizes many avenues.

James 1:17

Genesis 22:8; 14

Psalm 35:27

We must recognize that our Heavenly Father is the Source of all of our blessings, including income! Too many look at our jobs, paychecks, employers, investments etc, as our sources! They are not the Sources, they are only channels El Shaddai, and our Source uses to bring supply into our lives.

ILL: There was a single mother who had heard a Biblical financial teacher say, “Quit looking at your job as the source of your income. Look at your job as only one avenue, one channel the Source, El Shaddai, uses to bring finances into your life. Begin to teach your children to look to their heavenly Father as their Source, not the parents.” Her little daughter, one day told her that she wanted a bike, like all the other children. Her mother, at first was about to reply, “Honey, momma does not have extra money,” for this was her typical response. However, she remembered what the teacher said in the seminar, so she told her daughter, "Let’s ask the Lord for a bike". They prayed together and thanked God for hearing their prayer. A few days later, the little received a check in the mail, payable to her personally. On the way to town to cash the check, they noticed a man placing a bicycle out by the side of the road. The mother stopped the car and asked the man what he was going to do with that bike. The man replied that his daughter had quickly outgrown the use of it and he was going to sell it. The little asked the man how much he wanted and he replied, “For you, $25.00.” which was exactly the amount of the CHECK the received in the mail!”

The little grew up not remembering a mother who worked hard to buy a bike, but thankful for a mother who taught her about her Heavenly Father, who cared about an eight years old ’s need.

B. In the time of cutbacks, closedowns, downsizing, etc, thank God that He is our Source.

II Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able…”

C. We have to line up with the operation of Supernatural Supply to have Supernatural Surplus!

Proverbs 3:9-10

II Corinthians 9:10; Proverbs 21:20

Malachi 3:10

Sadly, some will never see a surplus because they will not properly recognize their Source!

Glory to God, for those who do testimonies will abound!

D. Begin looking at your tithes and offerings as an investment into God’s work (“cheerful giver” II Cor.9: 7), and not as a bill that must be paid!

It’s time for the Church to step out of the ordinary of the world and into the ordinary of Scriptures!

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