
Summary: There are tremendous blessing waiting for us in God but we must be willing to move out

If you happen to open your eyes to make sure you don’t run over somebody or run into the wall (then you’re in the flesh)

Tell your neighbor: Why don’t you take another step

Tell your other neighbor: Neighbor, I love you, and neighbor you can just splash around in ankle deep water if you want to (But I’m going Swimming).

I’m getting ready to close but look at this:

After Ezekial had reached the swimming waters, after he came to the place that was uncross able, so big, so vast, so deep, so fast,

He was brought back to the bank where there were many trees..

Once God has liberated you from the bondage of religion, and tradition, and once you have realized that God is bigger than your traditions, bigger than your church, bigger than your organization, bigger than your opinions.

Once you have reached a place where you admit that you don’t know it all, and your willing to say there may be more than what I have.

Then you have reached the place where God can use you, and you become qualified to show others the way out.

Who was it that led Ezekial out? You may be tempted to say an angel

But the bible says it was a man.

Tell somebody: I’m that man

Prophesy to them and tell them: I’m here to help you

I haven’t been all the way, but I’ve been quite a ways

I haven’t gone everywhere, but I’ve gone somewhere

I don’t know it all, but I know something

Tell your neighbor: lets go swimming

Look at somebody and tell them, (it’s time to go deeper) Take another step

For somebody today: this next step is going to change your life, this next step means a whole new dimension, this next step means the end of some old stuff, some of the battles you’ve fought you are not going to have to fight anymore.

For somebody this next step is going to break you out of some traditions that have robbed you and limited your experience and held you back.

I’ve just got to prophesy right here: Somebody’s getting ready to fly ( somebody’s been in the caterpillar stage, and you knew that something was changing, but you just couldn’t seem to break loose into the next level), but today is your day.

Today your getting wings.

Prophesy to somebody and tell them: This next step is taking me out of some stuff.

This next step is taking me out of some drama,

This next step is taking me out of some misery

This next step is taking me out of the mud, I’ve been stuck in the mud but today I’m coming out.

I’m trying to close but I feel something pushing me this way:

The Holy Ghost is saying to somebody today: The struggle is over, You’ve been pushing, and you’ve been fighting the good fight of faith.

But the Holy Ghost said: Tell you your getting ready to step into a place with God where difficult things become easy.

The Holy Ghost said: He’s going to take the sweat out of it, (Your getting ready to step into a current of the anointing that is going to lift you to places you could never get on your own.

And Your getting ready to step into a current of the anointing that is going to accelerate your progress, Your getting ready to pass some people that have gotten comfortable and satisfied,

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Ricky Hager

commented on Oct 10, 2015

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