
Summary: Let’s try and feel, hear, and see what Jesus of Nazareth did for us in His last hours.

Mark 14:53-65

Mark 15:33-41

We will never know how it was for Jesus to suffer the separation from the Father and Holy Spirit. But because of His sacrifice we will be Joint Heirs with Him in Heaven.

We who are His disciples can now enter into the Holy of Holies any time we want. We can carry our praises and petitions to God in His Throne Room. We have direct access because of Jesus.

Jesus from the time of His birth was focused on one thing, the will of the Father. His will was always subordinate to that of His Father in Heaven.

Let’s try and feel, hear and see what Jesus did for us in His last hours as Jesus of Nazareth!

Theme: Our Salvation comes down to the final preparation, prosecution, and propitiation of Jesus!

1. Can you feel the Grief of Gethsemane?

a.Jesus said His soul was crushed to the point of death.

b.He said that He knew that God the Father could do anything.

c.He asked His Father in Heaven to take the cup of suffering from Him three times.

d.His disciples were weak and could not keep awake.

2. Can you hear the Guilty Verdict from the Gathering of the Best and the Brightest?

a.Many illegal things took place by men like us.

b.Many lies were told.

c.They spit on Him, blindfolded and beat Him and convicted Him to die.

d.And all He said was that He was the Son of God.

3. Can you see the Gain and Glory of Golgotha?

a.He was crucified between two thieves that ridiculed Him.

b.One would later repent and was given his salvation.

c.God separated Himself from Himself and brought the greatest pain ever brought on the Triune God.

d.The curtain in the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom by God.

e.No more sacrifice would ever be required for our sins.

f.In His last words He said it all “It is Finished!”

4. What do you say about Jesus today?

5. Have you acted any differently than any of those in the days of Jesus Earthly ministry?

6. Can you see yourself in the Garden, at the Gathering, or on Golgotha?

7. Can you see yourself in the Lamb’s Book of Life?

Theme: Our Salvation comes down to the final preparation, prosecution, and propitiation of Jesus!

Final point: Remember today and everyday to thank Jesus for saving your soul and making you whole!

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