
Summary: Worship isn''t an entertaining showcase for a talented soprano or a lecture on textual criticism or a pleasant weekly reunion of friends and family. Instead, true worship is a joyous celebration of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ

Your PRIVATE is what gives birth to your PUBLIC!


2 Samuel 6:21,22

This passage records the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Israel. This most tangible of symbols represented God's presence and favour upon the nation. David had fought the Philistines and brought it back to Jerusalem. He, and the nation, were elated.

The man who held the nations most dignified position expressed his gratitude to God with all of his energy and enthusiasm. He was totally unconcerned by the opinions of others. Because David was a worshiper.

Somebody here this morning needs to respond to God with the attitude of a worshiper

I don't want anything freely given to me I want to make the sacrifice to come and worship because There's a worshiper in me.

It’s time to use your human anatomy to express what your heart is trying to say.

When we worship we (Kneel, raise hands, lie down or bow down)

When we praise God we (clap, shout, dance)

A Worshipper

The most important thing a worshiper can do in a worship service is to be a worshipper. That is, to be someone who is there to worship God, no matter what anyone else does. You've come to worship because there's a worshiper in you.

A worshiper is prepared.

He /She is prepared for the service before they even get here.

A Worshiper recognizes the urgency of the now moment they are in. because there are times in a dead service where God needs some Praisers to show up but I have found out that not everybody that praises God knows exactly how to worship him. Worshipers know how to break forth in singing, clapping, hand-raising,because they have dared to spend time in there prayer closets with God. There are also times in a service which are meant to be celebrative, times to jump for joy. A real worshiper cherishes those moments for what they are because they are special moments with God.

If something happens to break the pattern of worship or break into your thoughts during worship (such as a disruption, a spontaneous shout, or a praise), you won't stop because you recognize what the Spirit is using you for or what the Spirit is trying to teach you because in worship, you know what it means to leave yourself open to God.

Worship is not about you or your needs. You need to realize that you are a part of something bigger.

Jesus said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living waters

Help Me Holy Ghost !

Even So Come Lord Jesus

Bishop Charles C Jones

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