
Summary: Jesus is the bread of life for our spiritual just as bread is life for the physical. Through his timing and doing plus believing message, Jesus sets the example as the Great I AM!

“Bread of Life” – I Am Sermon Series

John 6:22-35

February 16, 2003

Purpose: Jesus is the bread of life for our spiritual, just as bread is for our physical.

Introduction – (handed out bread at the start of the sermon-three loaves of different kinds-tell people to keep the bread going until its all gone)

Illustration – tried to fast using just bread and

water and didn’t loose any weight. Didn’t truly

understand what bread was until went on the

Adkins diet. (Carbs…energy…stored, etc.)

What is bread anyway? Why would Jesus compare himself to it?

Bread is some awesome stuff.

Bread is a substance known and used by every society

on the face of the earth.

From the American who goes the store to buy his bread

to the savage who cooks his daily ration of bread

on a stone beside his fire,bread is consumed by

people everywhere.

By the same taken, most people enjoy their bread.

While some like meat and others don’t, or

some like greens and others don’t, most people

like bread. Bread is one of the few foods that

can be tolerated by most digestive systems.

Also, bread has a satisfying quality that few other

food products have. I mean why do you have

bread makers (people like a variety of different


Anyway you slice it, (wait for the moan :-)!!) bread is good and it is a food that most people need, use and enjoy. It was no different then as it is now.

For Jesus to call himself the “BREAD OF LIFE” it makes sense, then. This is something used by everyone, enjoyed by almost everyone, and satisfied those who enjoy it.

But I have the sneeking suspicion that Jesus was taking this to an even deep level. Let me explain…


First we have to look at Jesus’ timing. Just before this sermon on doing and being bread, Jesus fed the crowds with bread. (John 6:1-14) Remember, the little boy had five loaves and ___fish (two, right)…and the people were amazed.

Another aspect of Jesus’ timing was that he had tried to get away from them after this miracle. (John 6:15-21). In fact, because the disciples had taken the boat while he was off praying, meditating, etc., he decided just to walk out onto the water and meet them. And when the people gathered saw the boats were gone and no Jesus, they began to search.

So we have a miracle, another miracle, and then a search…

But that’s not all, Jesus’ timing was also amazing because Jesus did this all before he was to be rejected by the Jews (v. 41) rejected by some of his disciples (v. 60) and rejected by his family (7:1ff).

Jesus knew that in the midst of everything that had happened, was happening, and would be happening that he needed to make a strong statement so that he ministry could keep moving forward toward that eventual day in Jerusalem and beyond.

And was we look at everything happening around us today, the timing is important as well. In the newsletter that you’ll receive today, I make no quams about what I believe and I’ll be honest with you it may not be what you’ve been hearing from other leaders. While they continually talk about the need for peace at all costs, they forgotten all sense of justice. I believe that we need to work through the United Nations. I believe that we shouldn’t have to go this alone. And I believe that if Hussein, Kim John Il and the rest would what’s being asked of them by the rest of the world, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.

But in that newsletter article I made it very clear. I don’t follow George Bush. I don’t follow bishops who speak just because they have a golden pulpit to speak from. And I don’t need everyone else trying to tell me how I’m supposed to believe. As for me and my household, we’ll follow Jesus Christ.

There is no better timing to recognize that Jesus is the one who fills and satisfies. There is no better time to turn the rhetoric off our televisions and our radios and turn our hearts to the Lord. There is no better time to say I have nothing to fear….for neither life nor death, nor principalities nor power, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created things shall be able to separate me from the love of God found in Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:37).

Now more the ever, the timing is right for the church of Jesus Christ to stand away from the rhetoric of our day, trying to figure out whose side we’re on, and say simply “I AM ON THE LORD”S SIDE…”

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Allen Bryan

commented on Sep 30, 2022

"Savage." Really???

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