
Summary: Get your act together


1 Timothy 3

A certain bishop in my country has been in the limelight after it emerged that he fathered a child with a woman who is not his wife.

The reactions from him and all who have thrown in their two cents have been both expected and unexpected. I will sample a few:

i. Reaction 1: My enemies are blackmailing me. This is a web of extortion.

Ok. Then why did you give them material to work with? Material to use against you? Why were you sleeping with a woman who is not your wife and you know that it is wrong everywhere. Repent! Turn over a new leaf. Start afresh with The LORD. Go and reflect with the person who ordained you. If he is dead, see Minister Joe Kayo or Bishop JB Masinde. They will make room for you, because Bishop, we love you , but you are in big spiritual trouble.

ii. Reaction 2 (From a morning talk show watched by young people): So, what’s wrong with a Bishop having a baby mama?

Hmmm! ..and we say Kenya is a Christian nation???. Our children see nothing wrong with all this. What have they been doing in church all these years? Let us wake up from our dead slumber or we shall be awakened by the flames of hell.

iii. Reaction 3 (from a Pastor/Apostle): You are not fit to be on the pulpit, step down, and learn something.

At least, at last, a voice of reason. All is not lost. There is hope.

iv. Reaction 4: General public – “I told you these Christians and their lies and scams. It’s all a get rich and famous quick scam. Tell me how do I get in it.”

Young impressionable girls and some women , “ How do I get pregnant by a Christian pastor? The amount she is claiming, wow! Who needs a job when these randy men of the cloth are on the prowl?”

Young men, “You mean this guy has all this money and is this famous, and he is bagging some hot ladies. Okay, so this name JESUS is a money and fame bringer. What do I need to do? Get some cameras, flashy clothes, some few needy people or actors and I’m good to go.

No words!

v. Reaction 5: From The ALMIGHTY : Get your act together, all of you. I sent you MY SON to die on the cross and I told you to preach repentance , and you are just playing games with MY NAME, eating MY sheep. Repent! Or, I will expose you and worse.

Blessed be The NAME of The LORD.

vi. Reaction 6: Satan and the enemies of the MOST HIGH. : Right on track

You are defeated. JESUS CHRIST will build HIS church and the gates of hell will not prevail.

vii. Reaction 7: the bishop’s ministry and spiritual children. Touch not my anointed; he is just a human being like everyone else; all have sinned....; the church is under attack; blah blah blah

Well, this Bishop at best has backslidden, at worst was never saved and has no idea who JESUS CHRIST is, worse still, you are all likely to follow the same path as him on your way to hell, so over to your church leaders and church board. How about starting with sermons that talk about GOD and HIS Salvation, namely JESUS CHRIST, how about describing sin to the sheep and staying away from it. You have preached prosperity and all other things but you are still in satan’s grip. He who The SON sets free is free indeed.

viii. Reaction 8. The bishop’s wife and children: Silence. At least as far as I have heard.

Mama, how did things get here? What really is going on here? Whatever the case, do not lose your head, your faith and your sobriety. Work through this soberly, remove emotions.. Ask The HOLY SPIRIT to help you. If you have not already done so, make an appointment and see Evangelist Wairimu. Carry your children along.

I’m glad, I don’t know you people personally, get your act together, or your names will be removed from The LAMB’s Book of Life.

Beloved, the scripture informs us, "And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:15.

Do you want to know JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior? Your eternity is at stake! JESUS has opened the door of salvation to every person. But there is coming a day when the door will be closed. Today is the day of salvation. Choose to be in the family of GOD. JESUS died so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with HIM. Don't delay! And if you want to begin a relationship with GOD or resume a broken one, say this: O GOD, I come to YOU today. I know I am a sinner. I believe that JESUS died on the cross to save me and HE resurrected on the third day. I repent of my sins and forsake them. I confess JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR . I invite JESUS into my heart. By this prayer, I know I am saved. Thank YOU JESUS for saving me and making me a child of GOD. Amen

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