Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: This is the 144th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 24th sermon from Romans.

Series: Action [#144]


Romans 14:17-18


Yesterday was the 1st day that I have been able to do yard work in about 3 months. The weeds in my yard are proof of the lack of time that I have spent taking care of my yard. It is interesting that something I don’t enjoy doing was a real joy to get to do. While I was working, I began to think about today’s Sermon- Lord, what is it that you want me to preach tomorrow on Easter Sunday? Just seconds after that, my brother called, and we talked about how important every Sunday and every Sermon is. Today, we are going to talk about the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 6:33

Romans 14:17-18

These verses explain what the Kingdom of God is. It starts by telling us what the Kingdom of God is not. The Kingdom of God is not a list of religious rules. Last week, we studied about disputable matters- These questionable issues are issues that some Christians say are ok and some Christians say are not. The Christian life is not about following a list of rules; it is about following Jesus.

The Kingdom of God is a life in obedience to Jesus. The #1 priority of a person ought to be seeking God’s Kingdom. What is God’s Kingdom? It is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. This life lived in relationship with Jesus involves both a change in character and a change in conduct. 1st, your character is changed on the inside, and then you, through the power of the Spirit, start changing your conduct. Do not get those backwards.

John 3:1-3

The most important thing that I can ask you today is, “Are you born again”. If you have not been born again, you will not see the Kingdom, nor will you enter it. When you are born again, your character is changed, and your nature is changed. How do you experience the Kingdom of God?

You experience the Kingdom of God through…

1. Righteousness in the Holy Spirit.

Your character is changed 1st, then your conduct. When you are born again, you are found right before God. When God looks at a Child of His, He sees the blood of Jesus on your life, and He sees you as righteous. Your conduct should be a desire to live right before others. When you fail at living right, you need to confess your sins to God and He will cleanse you of all unrighteousness.

You experience the Kingdom of God through…

2. Peace in the Holy Spirit.

These things are sequential- 1st, you must have righteousness before you can have peace. We have peace with God- Our salvation. Not only do we have peace with God; but you can also have the peace of God. This type of peace does not mean that you will not have problems. It means that you can have the peace of God that passes all understanding, regardless of the circumstances. Your conduct should be that of someone who seeks peace with others.

You experience the Kingdom of God through…

3. Joy in the Holy Spirit.

When we are saved, it is in our character to have joy. This joy is not the same as being happy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. We are to be joyful in all circumstances.


Today is a day that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If you have not accepted the gift of God through Jesus Christ, you will not be seen as righteous, or have the kind of peace and joy that only God can give you. Today is the day of salvation. Christians, you should be experiencing the peace and joy of the Lord.

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