
Summary: Faith is basedon trust. When we trust we obey. When we obey there are blessings promised.

Crime story at Riversong – Armed robbery 3 ½ minutes

- burglary = 8h15 arrive 16h35


Response time from time God gives you instruction to time you get going = OBEDIENCE

Delay response to God = delay in the blessings / promises He has for you!

# 1 Hindrance to living the life you want = obedience

# 1 Hindrance to odedience = trust

NB: Why is it that we constantly try everything other than what God tells us to do and then wonder why we get everything other than what God promises us?

We don’t trust that what He is telling us is in fact the best possible way – try everything else.

Sometimes that’s a good thing – when we finally trust and obey we realize how stupid we have been and how awesome our God is!

You can’t be in line for a miracle unless you have a problem only God can solve!

But problem is, is that we don’t ever get to see God’s hand, because we’re so busy trying to apply our own hand.

It does not belong to you to direct your own step. Stop trusting – in fact stop deciding what to trust. You have only one option = God. Do it another way and you will mess it up.

Reponse Time : How quickly you jump to God. How quickly you get serious about relying on Him.

How quickly you get to digging deep to find out what He is saying.


For everyone

Thou shalt not

Adultery, envy, steal, murder Just for you

Specifically for you in your very specific need/place

Pressing you in unique ways to get serious:

- Serious about your thinking

- Serious about your discipline in hearing from God

- Serious about your giving

- Serious about your blessing and not judging others

- Serious about your issues or feelings of lack of self worth

Things specifically oriented to you.


Go to the Bible in times of difficulty and get offended when they don’t find their issue in specific detail with corresponding documented solution.

= Throw hands up = God does not love me – why is this happening to me – He never speaks to me – He doesn’t care MEAT EATERS

More time and commitment to a journey, prayer, meditation, study, reason, discussion

+ Then = Response time

= we find we can trust

= we find we can be obedient

= Blessing!!! – study is not simple

Discipline = way to learn to trust = obey = blessing

God’s promises have conditions, but His promises are available to all.

Josh 1 : 3-5 (unpack) to condition vs 7-9

Study of God’s word not just a discipline

Study of God’s word = means of developing trust

= means of developing obedience

= means of blessings

Mark 4 : 17 Get deep with God. Stop looking for the rule and seek out the principle

Stop trying to apply human reason and start seeking out Godly wisdom

Stop taking offence and start seeing and hearing God’s heart in matters

Stop drinking milk – get serious – meat-eating fruit producing richly blessed deep meaningful, personal walk with God.

Eg Job Job 19 : 1-7

Job 19 7 – 24 Ever felt like Job?

NB: Digs deep in vs 25

Vs 26 – even if not in this lifetime – trust and obedience will not go unrewarded

Our life is just starting when we leave this life

I will not question God

I will not doubt Him

I trust my God with everything I’ve got

And today we get serious about our obedience.

Oh you will be persecuted for this. Your friends will call you a Bible puncher. Your family will detest you.

eg. Your life = JW parents = excommunication

But when you just don’t know if God is there. If your trust if at an all time low, if your desire for obedience just can’t be found, HEAR GOD ASK – JUST DO IT FOR ME!

Eg. Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego

Will not bow down to you – we don’t care about your hand in our life Neb, we care only about God’s hand.

Bound – 7 times hotter

Every right decision they made, their problems got worse.

Bound but in fire free – Angel of God 4th

God freed them – Bondages were loosed and blessings released because of their obedience.

Could not have obedience without trust.

Could not have trust without KNOWING their God

“Even if we die we will not bow down”

In this life or the next we will be redeemed, as our Redeemer lives.

In the depth of their problem they found God.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew it.

Job got it.

Obey through trust = double for your trouble.

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