
Summary: A fun message that pulls no punches

Ampu needs our prayers desperately.

8. Lastly, there is a member of this Tater family that really doesn’t fit in.

She’s different. She was cut from a different mold.

She acts different, looks different. She’s got a different attitude. It’s hard to believe she is in the same family.

Her name is Sweet Tater. Yeah, she’s has a different spirit. She has a sweet spirit.

She always has a smile on her face, even when they are receiving the offering for the third time!

She loves her neighbor, even if they ain’t no good!!!

She loves God with all her heart and is excited about doing anything she is asked to do.

She’s a sweet tater! Oh, her characteristics is found in Galatians 5:22-23.

Every church need some sweet taters in them! The rest of the tater family just needs to get saved!!

Sweet tater always has a kind word to say to everyone. She even tells the preacher he did a great job, even when he didn’t!

Sweet Tater always wants what is best for her church, following the leadership of the Pastor and church leaders without complaint.

If the music is too loud, she just worships anyhow.

When the building is too cold, she just wraps up.

If the message is too long, she enjoys it anyway!!

She’s a sweet tater! We need more sweet taters in the church.

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