
Summary: How’s your family this morning? Strong, vibrant, standing in good relationships with love? Or is it filled with anger, yelling, crying and desperation? Our families today are under attack like never before, it’s time to reclaim our homes for Christ.

Now that I have your attention, ask Yourself ... Is there a problem in MY FAMILY?

How do we win back our homes for Christ...

1. REALIZE the problem (even if it hurts).

* When Steve Herzig from Friends of Israel was here a few months ago he said, "If you’re having problems and difficulty with your children. The parents normally blame their church, the youth group, their teacher or school. Yet the problem usually lies with the parents.

* God ordained marriage and placed a priority upon the marriage of the mother and father to oversee their household. The responsibility lies with the Moms & Dads.

1 Thes. 5:6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled.

* If your children are not turning out the way you like, it’s most likely your fault and not the kids. The very first step in reclaiming your family is to honestly face the giant.. - Wake up, be alert.

Romans 13:11 And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.

* Often we’re sleepy, lazy Christians acting like Ostriches in denial about our problems. Many times trying in vain to "fix" things only to find things getting worst instead of better. (Muddy)

* You may be saying, it’s not me, my daughter is just rebellious, or my son got involved with the wrong crowd or some other excuse. With this thought process, be assured your family will continue to fracture, there will be sleepless nights, worry and stress, you will not have peace in your home until you honestly face the problem head on. The problem could be you!

* Realizing the problem is the first step to victory BUT seeing yourself can be painful.

2. UNDERSTAND God provides the solution.

* Know there’s a problem then know God has an answer to the problem, no matter how serious.

* We sometimes spent a lifetime trying to do things our way, only ending up failing miserably.

Psalm 127:1 Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.

* "Build" in Ps 127:1 can be used in a very broad sense. As in building a structure or children.

* I want you to see this passage in all its simplicity. God tells us. "Except the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain".

* "Build" is the Hebrew word "banah" (baw-naw) Three Hebrew words comes from this root word. "Ben" translated son, "bath" translated daughter, and "beith" translated house all comes from the same root word "banah".

* Unless the Lord builds your home - everything you do will be in vain.

* Unless the Lord builds your home - you will experience turmoil, anguish and despair.

* Unless the Lord builds your home - Your best intentions and plans will fail.

* Unless the Lord builds your home... Know that our Jehovah God in His instruction manual the Bible provides the solution to every problem you will ever encounter.

3. Be PRO-ACTIVE in obedience to God’s Word.

* Not being weak and permissive, not being demanding and authorative - but humbly obedient.

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