
Summary: Beloved, herein is the great truth; as a Christian, you are either a pot owner or a well owner. Many people suffer day and night because they carry pots instead of going directly to the well. I was told the following story about some Arabs.....

Beloved, herein is the great truth; as a Christian, you are either a pot owner or a well owner. Many people suffer day and night because they carry pots instead of going directly to the well. I was told the following story about some Arabs. They went to England and were surprised at what they saw in the five star hotel where they lodged. They turned the tap on and water was coming out. They were amazed at that wonder and exclaimed, “We don’t have water in the desert where we come from. How can we cleverly take this water away so that we too can be having water?” They asked one of the stewards how they could get the tap and basins to buy. So, he took them to a shop and they bought the taps, basins, and everything they saw in that hotel and they were secretly happy thinking that they had been very smart. When they got back to their country, they attached the taps, sinks, etc, to the walls. Now, came the moment of truth; they turned on the tap but there was no water why? No source.

There was also the case of a man who had never seen an electric bulb before. One day, he went somewhere and saw one and was totally amazed, He waited till everybody left the place and stole the bulb, put it in his bag and went back to the village. He looked for strings used to tie animals, tied it around the bulb and attached it to the wall and behold there was no light. Why? No source.

All the servants of God can be divided into those two groups; the pot carriers and the well carriers. The pot carriers do unnecessary hard tasks while the people with the well drink directly from the source, which is the throne of grace. If you have a water tap somewhere and you keep walking up and down to fetch water, you cannot claim to be more comfortable than somebody who stays at the tap and simply turns it on to have water.

The pot owners tire themselves out while the person at the well is directly at the source. The Bible says that God has made us priests and kings unto Him. God intends for all of us to be direct priests unto Him, that is, to be at the well. It is not God’s intention that men should become mediators; that is why we have the blood of the New Testament, which gives us direct access to God. So you would do yourself a lot of good by praying to the level of being at the well. You have to abandon the pot and drink directly from the source. Unfortunately, most people prefer the pot and as a result have become slaves of prophets. You need to be at the source because your pot can be stolen, it may get broken, you may not even carry enough water sometimes and you wear yourself out trying to get more. The pertinent question is, “Do you have the pot or the well?” I want that to be very clear in your spirit.

When I was in primary school, one of our teachers told us a story. He said that there was famine in the land of the animals and only the dog was getting fat while other animals were getting lean. Mr. Tortoise then begged the dog seriously to reveal the secret of his well being to him. The dog kept quiet. So one day, the tortoise poured a lot of ashes into the bag of the dog and punched a hole underneath the bag so that he could trace where the dog used to go to get food. He was able to trace the dog to a forest where he sang a particular song and a piece of coconut fell. So the tortoise memorized the song and went and sang it. One coconut fell but he was not satisfied. He then said two should fall and two fell. He was not still satisfied and said everything should fall down. Everything fell on him and he could not get out from under them.

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Victor Effiong

commented on Mar 27, 2019

This is reviving. I received this exact message from the lord about a month back but have no opportunity yet to declare it. And now, I am seeing it here from God's servant. You know, God is wonderful.

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