Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, co-equal in glory, substance and essence with the Father and the Son, is the very Breath of God. He represents the total authority and rule of God, the very life of God, and the essence of who God is. Beli

The Seven-Fold Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Jesus acknowledged the Spirit of the Lord upon Him (Luke 4:18), which speaks of the anointing and power present to destroy the works of the enemy.

This refers in particular, to the seven-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit.

“And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.” – Isaiah 11:1 - 3

The Spirit of the Lord

The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, co-equal in glory, substance and essence with the Father and the Son, is the very Breath of God. He represents the total authority and rule of God, the very life of God, and the essence of who God is. Believers need to express God and pour out the life of God by the anointing, with the authority He has given to believers.

The Spirit of Wisdom

The ministry of the Holy Spirit gives believers the ability to discern a situation, to receive an understanding of the right course of action, and anointed skill in carrying that action out by the power of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:17).

It is important to be separated from scornful people and to be around people of faith (Prov. 14:6). The Spirit of wisdom that comes from God gives a Christian favour (Luke 2:52).

The Spirit of Understanding

This is a thorough acquaintance with the ways of God and expertise in the practice of God’s works. Believers may be totally familiar with the way God operates and be able to co-operate expertly in that operation because they know it and are familiar with it, having been granted understanding by the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit of Counsel

Having consulted with God, knowing His plan of action, and having the ability to give right advice to others, believers may, by the anointing, be able to correctly instruct and advise others. They may also receive God’s counsel on issues in their own lives.

The Spirit of Might

This expression refers to the strength, boldness, intensity, energy, power, authority, and resources of God, making believers skilled in battle.

Believers under the anointing of the Spirit of God are enabled to accomplish God’s desires. The Holy Spirit is a Man of war, and believers may be skilful in spiritual battle, exercising the might of the Spirit.

The Spirit of Knowledge

This refers to knowing God and His ways through experience. Anointed believers may know the things and secrets of God and have an intimate knowledge of Him through His Word and by His Spirit.

The Spirit of Fear of the Lord

Believers, by the anointing, will develop a profound love and respect for God, and instill the same in others through the expression of the anointing.

Expressions of the anointing

The seven-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit should be experienced by every believer.

The term “seven Spirits of God” describe the different kinds of expression of the anointing. These are different manifestations of the same Holy Spirit.

Believers have the anointing upon them by the Spirit of God, and should be expressing that anointing in all of these ways.

There are different rivers of the anointing that flow from believers, represented by the seven-fold ministry of the Spirit of God flowing from the throne of God (John 7:38). Each of these expressions should flow out of the lives of Christians.

The seven-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit causes believers to be anointed in the following ways: (Isaiah 11:3):

* By the anointing, minds are made sharp and discerning.

* By the anointing, believers are able to rightly judge and discern with God’s wisdom, even when the facts are difficult or deceptive.

* By the anointing, believers may lovingly correct, not being judgmental or critical, but knowing God’s heart for each person.

* By the anointing, believers will have a right attitude toward those experiencing hardship.

* By the anointing, they will be able to discern and act according to God’s law of justice, free from bias or favoritism of the flesh and judging rightly with the mind of God.

The Eyes of the Lord

The book of Revelation gives a glimpse of the things that will soon come to pass, but the ultimate purpose of this book is to reveal Jesus Christ. The keys to interpreting the book of Revelation are found in the Old Testament.

The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are completely His (2 Chron. 16:9 ).

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