
Summary: As a believer, I have Jesus Christ the King on the inside of me. Therefore, there is more to me than the eye can see.

Verse 13 says:

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

David was not the same after the preacher told he was anointed. The Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. Some you need the Spirit of the LORD to come upon you from this day forward. You need to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. If you believe there is a King in you that has anointed you to be a king, let Him pour His oil on you so you can have the Spirit of the LORD to come upon you from this day forward. The King wants to endow you. The King wants to endorse you. The King wants to bless you with His heavenly resources and supply. You can be filled with the Spirit from this day forward. You can be full of the Spirit from this day forward. It’s all a matter of believing and receiving what the King in you wants to put on you. If you believe the King in you has anointed you to be a king, there are some things you will do and some things you will not do.

1. Drinking and Drugs are not for kings

Pro 31:4 [It is] not for kings, O Lemuel,

[it is] not for kings to drink wine; nor

for princes strong drink:

2. Flirting and Fornication are not for kings

Pro 31:3 Give not thy strength unto women,

nor thy ways to that which destroyeth


Verse thirteen ends with this statement.

…So Samuel rose up,and went to Ramah.

Ramah means “the hill”. Once you believe and receive what the King has placed upon you, the preacher can rise up and go up. Once you start to do what the King has called you to do, the preacher can rise up and go up. Once you choose to do what King has chosen for, the preacher can rise up and go up. Once you are faithful to do what the King has filled you with faith to do, the preacher can rise up and go up. When the people in the pulpit grow up, then the preacher can rise up and go up. The preacher is supposed to be up on the hill (in the pulpit) focused on prayer and the ministry of the word, not focused on the functions that should come from the pews. We can’t go up and grow out until the preacher can rise up and go up. The preacher can’t rise up and go up until the people step up and grow up to believe that the King in them has anointed you to be more than the eye can see. The preacher can’t rise up and go up until the people step up and grow up and say “There is more to me than the eye can see because there is a King inside of me!”

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