
Summary: A look at three areas we must understand in order to have happy marriages.

D. Let me add to this point - HUSBANDS - BE MEN! Your wife needs a MAN, not a SISSY! Not a SENSITIVE mommas boy. Be sensitive to her needs, but please don’t just be sensitive. By the way ladies - you really don’t want a sensitive man so quit saying you do! A woman that wants a Sissy for a husband wants to be a man herself!

WIVES - BE WOMEN! Your husband needs a real woman. Enjoy the fact that God made you a woman. Enjoy your home, your children and your husband. Don’t fight to gain responsibilities you shouldn’t have, just so that you can experience a feeling of power and control that you are not equipped to have!

E.The Seven ‘C’s of Responsibilities

I. Commitment

1. Are you in it for Love?

2. Then how do you define love?

3. What about when you don’t feel strong affection?

4. Your spouse needs to be able to BANK on your commitment!

Does your spouse know that you are in it for good and bad, or do they question your commitment?

II. Communication

1. Talk to Each other

2. Speak their language (transmitter / receiver)

3. #1 Problem in relationships (home/ work / etc.)

4. What I hear you saying is …. ?

III. Compromise

1. It’s okay to be right and quiet!

2. It’s okay to give a little

3. It’s okay to meet the other on their terms

Marriage is when you agree to spend the rest of your life sleeping in a room that’s too warm, beside someone who’s sleeping in a room that’s too cold.

IV. Consideration

1. Submit Yourself to the Other

2. Yielding

3. What are their needs?

4. What are their desires?

5. You are their caregiver!

V. Consistency

1. Be predictable

2. Give them Stability

3. Give them Security

4. Give them one person on earth they can count on!!

VI. Cooperation

1. Know your Role

2. Purpose to Work Together

3. Share a Cause

4. Have all things common

VII. Compliments

1. Recognize Your Partner

2. Rejoice in their special qualities.

3. Build up their egos.

4. Dwell on the positives!!!

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Margaret Lee

commented on Sep 21, 2008

I am a Christian, married 21 years to a Christian and I can tell you that all the marriage sermons, books, movies, the many years of praying don''t always save a marriage. Not when love dies. It''s easy to write a sermon and tell a woman to respect her husband and do nice little things for him and the feelings will return. It''s another when you live with a man who has been emotionally abusive, one who has had affairs, one who has called you names, told you he married too young, didn''t love you, and belittled your family, one who has made fun of your looks, your weight. One who cries at sappy movies but is stone cold over his wife''s broken heart. I do those things you talked about. I clean, cook favorite meals, bake, write notes, gifts, I run the household, including the finances because he won''t. I''m not angry or bitter. Life is too short to waste it on being bitter. I''m just finished.

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