
Summary: The changes in the life of a Christian that take place after salvation should make us like Christ. (Part of a series)


Text: Ephesians 4:17 – 32


· “Salvation is not a matter of improvement or perfection of what has previously existed. It is total transformation. The New Testament speaks of believers having a new mind, a new will, a new heart, a new inheritance, a new relationship, new power, new knowledge, new wisdom, new perception, new understanding, new righteousness, new love, new desire, new citizenship, and many other new things—all of which are summed up in newness of life” – John MacArthur


A. Put Off the Old Walk

· 4 characteristics of old life we are to forsake:

1. Empty thinking (v. 17)

o Unbelievers have distorted and incomplete views and opinions

o Abortion, homosexuality, cheating on taxes

o Church is outdated and Christians are judgmental and restrictive

2. Alienation from God (v. 18)

o Separated from God’s truth due to ignorance and lack of concern

o Don’t know and don’t care; live by own rules

3. Insensitivity (v. 19)

o “blindness” = hardness, covered with a callus; not able to hear the pleas of the conscience or Holy Spirit

4. Depraved behavior (v. 19)

o Controlled by lusts

o TV lifestyles: homosexuality, murder, sexual perversion, dishonesty, drugs and alcohol

B. Put On the New Life

1. Not a reformation or renovation

o 2 Corinthians 5:17

o World tries to rehabilitate

o Movie stars and athletes in rehab over and over again

2. Strip away (take off a coat) old life that Christ gives us (v. 22)

o Definitely, deliberately, quickly, and permanently

o An alcoholic I knew dumped out his beer when he got saved

3. Begins with a change of mind (v. 23)

o Willing and able to understand the things of God

o Romans 12:2; Philippians 4:8

4. Results in a change of conduct (v. 24)

o Righteousness = conduct toward fellow men

o Holiness = conduct towards God

C. Put Away Sinful Behavior

· Paul describes some features of the old coat that should be put away:

1. Lying (v. 25)

o Dishonesty, embellishing the truth, cheating, false excuses, making promises that are not intended to be kept

o God’s work is based on truth, and we can not be useful to God if dishonest

o Several years ago, a handful of televangelists tried to cover the truth and got caught

2. Uncontrolled anger (v. 26)

o Anger can be good or bad depending upon motive and purpose

o Selfish, uncontrolled anger is bad

o Controlled (don’t let the sun go down) anger over sin and its effects are good

o Vote against abortion = controlled; Bombing abortion clinic = uncontrolled

3. Entertaining Satan’s influence (v. 27)

o Give the devil an inch and he’ll be your ruler

o Exposing yourself to temptation

o Drugs = go back to the same people and places

4. Stealing (v. 28)

o Taking anything that doesn’t belong to you, not providing quality or quantity of a service that has been paid for

o Man at work saved; brought back truck of tools

o Work and provide for yourself and family

o Give to others

5. Corrupt communication (v. 29)

o Literally “rotten”; spoiled fruit or putrid meat = contaminates other’s thoughts

o Gossip, profanity, complaints, criticism, discouragements

o Build up others and encourage with words

6. Grieving the Holy Spirit (v. 30)

o Offend by disobedience, immorality, refusal to cast off old life and habits

o Act, talk, think, participate, and lust like the world but say you’re a Christian (Hypocrite)


· The changes in the life of a Christian that take place after salvation should make us like Christ (vv. 31, 32)

· I’ll tell you the best thing I ever did do / I took off the old coat and put on the new”

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