
Summary: Message discussing the importance of listening FOR God’s response, even when we complain.

We can complain … But do we listen?

Habakkuk 1:12-2:4


Have you ever complained to God before? Ever just laid out your heart to Him?

Ever complained from your own desire because you thought you were right?

Habakkuk was an Oracle, a man who spoke with God through prayer and heard

Today, there are many believers who think they hear from God, but are deaf

Let’s examine this morning what we should hear when we hear from God (Pray)

Setup: Habakkuk’s first complaint is calling out against this world

He is complaining to God and asking “How long must I continue …”; he is whining

The Lord answers that He is just, and that He will provide the way – even the people

God’s decision to answer is not to make him feel good, but so that we would hear

So that we would read this and understand that everything is in God’s hands

Now, let’s get to our text: Read Habakkuk 1:12 – 2:4

Point 1 - Habakkuk’s complaint

v12 - Confession by Habakkuk of who God is

That God is Holy, righteous, eternal, always in control …

v13 – How solid is your faith in who God is

Even in the midst of what is going on, Habakkuk proclaims who God is

(Here’s the complaint) … And so, he says “I Don’t Get It!!!”

If God is so just, how can He allow these things to continue?

App: Do we complain like this? Are we crying out to God in these same ways?

v14-16 - Habakkuk goes on and on telling of what God has done

God has ruined nations and lands by any means necessary when the people disobey

God continues to catch men (joy); then release them (sadness due to disobedience)

Even in the face of all that God has done … Habakkuk asks:

V17 - Will you allow this nonsense to continue?

Constant disobedience

Ever changing times with no regard to God’s desire

People living lives solely about themselves and for themselves

Habakkuk is asking, “WHEN WILL IT END?!?!”

Point 2 – God’s answer

Now, after he has spoken his plea … Look how he prepares to listen!

(Elaborate on preparing to listen …)

v1-3 We need to move into a place of listening!

The best way to listen is in silence; without interactions from the outside

App: This even includes those who are trying to tell you how to live your life

The best place to listen is in silence, in prayer, and focused on who God is

Jesus taught us how to pray, and how to be fully focused on Who matters!

“Our father, who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name”

Focus is looking intently at God and saying, “I am ready to hear.”

He prepares to listen because he is in tune with God, and he wants to hear (repeat)

He is patient, he is obedient, and he is expecting to commune with God

Are we? Are we ready to commune with God or is he just a sounding board?

Even after all of that, God answers clearly and tells Habakkuk … (v3) – WAIT!

The revelation waits for God’s timing, not your own!

See, it is never about our time; it is never about our desire; life is not about us!

The appointed time is when God calls you to move and he is calling some of you now

Habakkuk comes to God pleading for this world and asking God, “Why??”

And God’s answer is to wait. As if to say, I know what is happening, watch …”

So, I say all of that to say this plainly:

When you don’t understand the plan; when you don’t understand the reason –

We see what one man of God did.

He watched. He waited. And he listened to what God had to say.


Sometimes, we just need to stop the insanity, stop the madness, and just listen!

Promise to not go long because this is straight forward life application (Singers)

Are you waiting? Are you watching? Are you listening?

The Holy Spirit is calling you to action right here and right now …

What will you do with the calling?


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