
Summary: If Christmas never happened we would never fully understand God and his love for us. Evangelistic message for Christmas Eve.

But what the Christmas story reminds us is that we don’t have to wonder what God is like because the Bible says Jesus is God come in the flesh. Jesus himself even said, “Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father (John 14:9).” It’s hard to imagine looking at a defenseless baby to think somehow this is the very presence and glory of God had come to earth, but that is what the Bible teaches us. So what does that teach us about God?

a. God is near

Because of Jesus’ birth we know that God is not some distant deity living on the edge of the universe looking at us through a super Hubble telescope, but a God who is near us. Jesus’ title was Immanuel, which means “God is with us.” Through Jesus we know that God is right here. God is with us as we worship. God listens to us as we pray. God is with us when we sleep, at work, at play, wherever we are at whether we are aware of God’s presence or not, whether we feel God’s presence, God is near.

Jesus told his disciples he would be with us always. Jesus even promised those who follow him that he would not only be present with them, but would actually live within them through his Spirit. You can’t get any closer than that.

b. God is Love

Some people think God is out to get them, or to punish them for their wrongdoing, but Jesus shows us otherwise. Through Jesus we see God’s incredible love for us. The Son of God was willing to give up his throne in heaven to take on a frail human body, to be born a helpless infant into humble situations (stable, manger), to grow up and endure temptation, to face the evil and injustices of this world (Phil. 2:6-11). Why? Because of God’s incredible unfailing love. God did not have to come to us, but he chose to come of his own free will because he knew there was no other way to make our world right.

Ultimately, Jesus demonstrated God’s unfailing love when we died as a sacrifice on behalf of every person. NLT Romans 5:8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

c. God is Faithful

Through Jesus we realize God kept the promises he made to his people in the OT scriptures. In the OT God promised he would save his people and create a kingdom which would never end. He would raise up a descendant from king David who would deliver his people from evil, and transform their hearts so they could love God and one another just as God loves us. This person would even be a light to the Gentiles, that’s you and me by the way. Through Jesus we know God kept every promise. Jesus came to share that truth about himself.

Through Jesus we realize God is nearer than we can ever imagine, and God is full of unfailing love and faithfulness.

2. We would not be able to have a personal relationship with God

John 1:12 sheds another truth, if Jesus was never born, we would never have been able to become one of God’s children, or to have a personal relationship with God.

John 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-- 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

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