
Summary: What if the prophets and saints of the Old and New Testaments were alive today? What would be their message to this generation?

What if the prophets and saints of the Old and New Testaments were alive today? What would be their message to this generation?

David – Before God gives you an opportunity to fight Goliath, God expects you to kill all the lions and bears that devour your sheep. Be an instrument in the hands of the Holy Spirit to drive out all the evil spirits from churches and anointed individuals.

Abraham – Keep faith and believe that you will see Jesus at His second coming and the Millennium.

Joseph – Teach people self-control, discipline, and the fear of the Lord from the scriptures so that they can endure and survive difficult times.

Daniel – Teach about the wisdom and knowledge of Jesus that is available on the Cross. There is a lot of preaching that takes place without the knowledge of Jesus.

Shadrach – Stand firm in your belief on God in all circumstances and situations (difficult situations). Stand firm or you will fall.

Gideon – Handful of people in the hands of God are enough to complete God’s great work. The greater the work the lesser the people needed. Let you be in the hands of God. God only needs a small number of people to finish His magnificent work. God’s great work is done with God’s power and strength and with your inability.

Leah – Teach married young women how to regain the love for their master(husband).

Sarah – Support your husband always despite difficult situations.

Moses – Teach people about what is True power. True power is complete surrender to God’s will. True power is laying down your life for others. When your life is in complete surrender to God, God displays and works His mighty works through you.

Elijah – Will close the flood gates of heaven and declare famine on all countries which do not repent of their sins.

Ezekiel – Rebuke those who say- “The Lord says” without they receiving a command, instruction or word from the Lord. Restore the importance of voice and word of the Lord through the prophets of the Lord.

John – Put your trust and rest in Jesus to stay in perfect peace in all circumstances. See Jesus, love Jesus and follow Jesus.

Peter – Encourage the younger generation to wait on the Holy Spirit to fill and anoint them with the tongues of fire. Tongues of fire will give them the courage or boldness to become a witness for Jesus and to lay down their lives for the gospel. The younger generation should also experience the consuming fire from scriptures to lit their lives on fire for God.

Paul – Teach servants of God to be scholars and wise guides of scripture. Start purging or driving away all evil knowledge and working of evil spirits from the body of Christ. Teach God’s workers to be knowledgeable about and sage interpreters of the Bible.

Ruth – Teach young married women to cleave to their mother-in-law. Let truth permeate in all their ways and actions. Work hard and don’t take short cuts to receive the favor of God.

Nehemiah –Weep and pray until the church’s wall is built on the right foundations and correct biblical pillars of the word of God.

Jeremiah – Turn to all directions and start weeping. Destruction is coming from all directions.

Amos – Wake up, the signs of God’s destruction and wrath is visibly seen on the land. Start repenting and praying.

Ezra – My people have intermarried (in their hearts) with the ways, customs, and practices of this land (worldly ways). They have forgot God’s ways and commandments. Leave your worldly ways and return to Jesus.

Joshua – Start conquering your outside or external situations with the help of Jesus on the inside.

Job – The knowledge and wisdom about God is missing in this generation. They lack understanding and insight regarding God.

Isaiah – Teach the younger generation the significance of the Cross of Jesus and about the suffering of the Messiah

Zephaniah – Build a temple (create a sanctuary) in our hearts for God to come and appear in His Glory.

Samuel – Minister to and before Jesus in the most Holy place for many years.

Rachel – God never forgets His people.

Naomi – Stay in the place that God has called you. Don’t move your location because of the situations or circumstances.

Boaz – Jesus is our family redeemer. Holy Spirit always leads you to Jesus.

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