
Summary: A sermon that helps us to know what to do when we are in a spiritual rut

Although Elisha was a man of God notice he did not pick the axhead out of the water. He told the man to reach out his hand and pick it out for himself.

You can’t get me out of a spiritual rut and I can’t get you out of a spiritual rut. We have to reach out for ourselves.

God offers us today another opportunity to get back into the race but we have to reach out our hand and take what God is offering us.


Maybe you are here today and you are in a spiritual rut. It’s important that you recognize how you got to the place you are today. Maybe you need to forgive someone. Maybe you need to forgive yourself. Remember God will help you to do what it is you need to do. We can only move forward if we take a hold of what God wants us to do. He wants to set us free. He wants to finish the work that he started in us.

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