
Summary: Contrasts God’s relationship with man in the Old and New Covenants. When God set up residence on earth, He called his throne the Mercy Seat. But at Calvary both the name and the location changed - to the Throne of Grace.

But notice that he did not stop with the remission of sin! He goes on - “And you shall receive the gift…” (v 38)

And then he goes on some more - “For the promise is unto you… “ (v 39)

They came expecting mercy, but found so much more! The Seat of Mercy had become the Throne of Grace.


Friend, you may not realize it, but your life to this point has been overshadowed by the mercy of God. He has not destroyed you for the many sins you have committed. He allowed you to live long enough to come here, today – and hear why.

He wanted you to that He now occupies a Throne of Grace! He not only wants to forgive you, but He wants to give you a new life

John 10:10 – I am come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.

Perhaps you have had the wrong perspective… Have you been approaching a Mercy Seat, not realizing that it was now a Throne of Grace?

You see, God has revealed his heart to us by the name of his throne. How amazing it is to me that when I first came to him, I came expecting the Judgment Seat, but found instead a Mercy Seat.

But for some of us – it’s still a Mercy Seat. It’s a place we can go and not be condemned. And that’s wonderful. But God has so much more in mind for us. Because of Jesus, his throne is now called the Throne of Grace! Not only will he forgive, or not give you what you deserve… But his intent is to bless, or give you what you do not deserve!

Perhaps you had a rough week this week. Perhaps you even failed God in some respect. And you came dragging in here this morning hoping - perhaps expecting - that you would receive mercy. But actually be blessed? Nah – couldn’t happen today…

Oh yes, it can… You see – your perspective is that God sits on a Mercy Seat. But that’s not what he calls it anymore. He calls it the Throne of Grace.

So many churches still gather around a Mercy Seat every weekend. So much of Christianity is talking about how great it is that God forgives. And so many Christians’ perspective is that is what Jesus is all about. He accepts them, in spite of them.

And that he does. But I came to tell you this morning that we have a different perspective - because we found out that the Mercy Seat has become a Throne of Grace. And Jesus wants you not only to walk in forgiveness – He wants you to walk in blessing. He wants you to walk in abundance. He wants to give you something!

It happens when you receive His Holy Spirit. That is the blessing of the New Covenant. The Holy Spirit is the very reason that the Lord was merciful throughout the Old Covenant. It was because He had something better in store.

And it is the reason that he has been merciful to you. It is the reason that He justified you. It is the reason He washed away your sin. It is the reason you are still here. The Lord waited, so that he could be gracious to you.

And then for those of you that have already received the Holy Spirit… Quit coming in here from week to week like you’re approaching a Mercy Seat. It’s a Throne of Grace! Quit living your life like you count on His forgiveness. Live your life like you count on His blessing!

Are you still living in the Old Covenant? Or have you stepped into the New? Are you still approaching a Seat of Mercy? Or have you found the Throne of Grace.

His gift is yours today…

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