
Summary: Don't worry about when Christ will return. Just keep busy.

When? – Luke 21: 5 - 19

Intro: I will whisper into the ear of one person in the congregation the following: “Jesus loves you! Jesus loves me!” Raise your hand if you are even just a little curious about what I just whispered. If I told you that what I whispered is the most important piece of information I have every shared with anybody, would that peak your curiosity? --- Neither of us will share with anyone what I whispered.

I VS. 7 - “Teacher,” they asked, “when will these things happen? Luke records here the words Jesus spoke about the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in response to the awe and wonder expressed by the disciples.

A The disciples asked Jesus 2 questions: The first question is when. They wanted in on the secret. Maybe they wanted to run and hide. Perhaps they want to know how long this was going to last.

B The GK word for “When” is pote / p?te and can be translated as “how long?” It is more often translated as WHEN.

C The whole passage deals with the coming persecutions and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. The interesting fact is that Luke wrote this gospel about 90 CE and the temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. What we must remember is that Luke is sharing the life of Jesus, not history of Israel.

II The second question asked by the disciples in in the second half of VS. 7 – “And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?” How will they know when this is the “real deal?”

A The important word here in the Greek is SIGN. That word is semeion / s?µe??? It has various translations. The most prevalent translation is miracle with an ethical end and purpose; but it can also be translated as token / wonder / sign.

B VV. 8 – 13 is a long list given by Jesus of things that will happen before the Temple will be destroyed completely. The events listed in these verses are characteristics of the entire present age, not just signs of the end of the age.

C Basically, 3 things will happen: 1) imposters will come trying to trick the faithful, 2) conflict will rage on, 3) disasters will be prevalent.

III ARE WE LIVING IN THOSE “END TIMES?” There is only one who knows and that is God. Jesus didn’t even know for sure. As Christians, we live in “the already and not yet.” What that means is this, Christ Jesus is already risen and with us every day, and Christ will yet come again.

A Many live with frustration in “the already and not yet.” Some live the expression: “Why pray when you can worry!” You all know individuals like that because they have not discovered the secret to living successfully.

B The problems we face, the troubles we experience are merely a distraction to God’s future for us. Every issue or problem we encounter should encourage us to be a witness to God’s ability to guide and direct our path.

C VS. 9 – When you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. We are to live trusting God. We are to live out with faithfulness the calling we have been given by God. We must live fully in the now with hope for that which is yet to come.

Concl: Jesus didn’t say, “Take up your sack of gold and follow me.” He said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” There is a big difference. The story is told of a parish priest who rushed to his Bishop saying that a woman had been praying in his church who had a vision that Jesus was coming. The priest asked, “What should we do?” The bishop answered, “Look busy!”

So, I say to you, “Don’t worry about WHEN.

We are called by Christ Jesus to live for today, hope for tomorrow, and trust on the promise that Christ is coming in His due time. We should not fear the future when it is in God’s hands

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