
Summary: The death of King Uzziah caused Isaiah to see the Lord

Illustration: We can not help but mourn over the death of our beloved leaders, like President John F. Kennedy of United State, President Ramon Magsaysay of the Philippines. Unlike Saddam who was punished for the crime against humanity.

B. Throne V1

When he sought the Lord in the temple " he saw the Lord" sitting in His heavenly throne.

a. He is high and exalted King.

b. The King of kings and the Lord of Lords.

c. The God above all Gods.

Yes, King Uzziah is dead, but Isaiah learnt that there was a King that was far greater than King Uzziah. That King is the Lord Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.

C. Train V1

Ladies, you know what train is to your wedding gown. The train covered the inside of the temple. The inside of the temple was approximately 90 ft. long, 30 ft. wide and 45 ft. high and the train of the Lord’s robe filled the temple. Remember that it is after it dangles from up the sky where the throne was located.

Illustration: During our wedding I saw my wife with her train and I said to myself , "oh , what a beautiful bride I have."

Her train added to her beauty, but her train is nothing compared to the train that dangles from the throne and filled the temple. Train of the Lord’s robe magnified the beauty of His holiness. The seraphs in v2 with 6 wings, two covering the feet, two covering the face, with two he did fly. Why does he cover his face? I had listened to the preaching in the cassette tape 18 years ago by R.C. Sproll. He gave one of the reasons why the angel covered his face, because he can not stare at the Holiness of God. While covering his faces , he was saying Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty the whole earth is full of His glory.

Holy, holy, holy- the mention of the word holy for three times speaks of the Trinity of God. The Lord , the Adoni , is a plural form reflecting the trinity. That is why the passage says " who will go for us".

Transition: When he saw the Lord and contemplated His holiness.

II. He searched his heart V5

Woe to me " I cried"

1. I am undone ( KJV )

Literally- I am on my way to destruction, I am perishing. Like if you undo the building, literally you destroy it.

Note: I venture to employ how I understand the phrase " I am undone" . Meaning , he had not done anything good. He served his King Uzziah, right?

Note: Some people are here in the Emirates serving their Uzziah. Their only reason to be here is money. In that case, you have not done anything good for the Lord.

2. I am a man of unclean lips. V5 He stated the reason why?

a. Because , he was living among people of unclean lips.

Illustration: Charles Spurgeon said " tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are?’ The birds of a feather flock together.

So be discreet in your choice of your company.

In the presence of the Holy God, all self-esteem is shattered. All confidence in oneself is destroyed. " Woe to me" – when he searched himself, he realized how desperate he was.

a. He confessed his sin. Vv 6-7

The Lord sent the seraphs with live coal from the altar. The altar reminds us of the sacrificial lamb for the remission of sin. That sacrificial lamb is the type of Christ – who gave His life for us. .Hebrews 10.

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Joel Sumagaysay

commented on Sep 14, 2015

Joel Sumagaysay

commented on Sep 14, 2015

Praise God for giving us the privilege to serve Him in UAE since 1988 until now.

James Onyeka

commented on Jan 11, 2019

This is great. Jesus is Lord

Roland Wells

commented on Jan 19, 2019

Good message but one thing that's mention and is not in the Bible the word Trinity

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