
Summary: We follow a deliberate Savior.


John 18.1-14

S: Jesus

C: Betrayal


TS: In John 18.1-14, we will begin to follow the steps of Jesus as they lead to the cross.

Type: Inductive

The ____ step is the…




IV. SWORD (10-11)


VI. “AUTHORITY” (12-14)

PA: How is the change to be observed?

• Follow deliberately in His steps.

Version: ESV

RMBC 04 March 07 AM


ILL Decision (H)

In case you have any doubt, Dondra and I have an outstandingly happy and successful marriage, and I have been asked to what I attribute this remarkable situation.

The answer to that is simple. It is called the “Division of labor.” Dondra makes all the small, routine decisions. She decides what house we buy, where we go on vacation, where the kids go to college, if I should change my job, and so on.

I, on the other hand, make the big, fundamental decisions. I decide if the United States should declare war, if Congress should appropriate money for a manned expedition to Mars, what trade treaties should be signed, what areas should be declared disaster areas, and so on.

So, how about you…

1. Are you able to keep moving on your decisions?

Last month, we returned to our study of the gospel of John.

The gospels, all four of them, are very clear about Jesus and His decision-making process.

He acts decisively.

Jesus never wonders what to do.

He is never confused about the next course of action.

You see…

2. Jesus is following the plan.

Last week, we finished the 17th chapter of John, where we studied Jesus’ prayer for believers for all ages, including you and me.

The 17th chapter is the end of a longer section beginning in chapter 13, where Jesus shares His last words to His disciples before going to the cross.

As we begin the 18th chapter, the narrative returns, and now the events that Jesus spoke of begin to tragically unfold.

Before we delve into the text, I do want us to note that these events, though tragic, are not a mistake.

Through the years, people have concluded that Jesus was caught up in the events, that He was a victim of challenging the establishment.

But the gospels are clear – Jesus was not a mistaken idealist.

Jesus was not a helpless victim.

And He did not die in confusion and despair.


He was following the plan.


3. In John 18.1-14, we will begin to follow the steps of Jesus as they lead to the cross.


I. The first step is the GARDEN (1).

When Jesus had spoken these words, he went out with his disciples across the Kidron Valley, where there was a garden, which he and his disciples entered.

Before the events unfold, let us note that…

4. Gethsemane stands in contrast to Eden.

The events that are about to transpire are on purpose.

The setting at the garden was to make us think of the original garden of Eden.

You see…

The first Adam began life in a garden.

Christ, the second Adam, came at the end of his life in this garden.

In Eden, Adam sinned.

In Gethsemane, the Savior overcame sin.

In Eden, Adam fell.

In Gethsemane, Jesus conquered.

In Eden, Adam hid himself.

In Gethsemane, our Lord boldly presented himself.

In Eden, the sword was drawn.

In Gethsemane, it was sheathed.

(Hughes is source for comparisons)

The other interesting matter to note about the setting is that Jesus and His disciples crossed the Kidron.

This was more than John giving us a location to figure out the path that they took.

The Kidron would have been red with the blood of sacrifice as the 200,000 lambs were slain that day in preparation for the Passover meal people would be eating the next day.

It surely is meant to remind us that Jesus was the lamb that was going to take away the sin of the world.

II. The second step is the TREACHERY (2-3).

Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, for Jesus often met there with his disciples. So Judas, having procured a band of soldiers and some officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, went there with lanterns and torches and weapons.

The treachery of Judas Iscariot is now known to all.

What makes this event so disturbing is that Judas was a pupil and friend of Jesus.

He had been specially chosen by Jesus.

He traveled with Him, ate with Him, slept in the same room with him.

He was part of the daily class.

He had even been made the treasurer of the group.

Judas had also had great experiences with Jesus.

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